The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Some of my baking

Bob the bread baker's picture
Bob the bread baker

Some of my baking

Above Stilton and bacon baps proving 

Here is the results 

Cob proving 500g of white bread flour & 300g of rye flour.

Above here are the results 

Here is a crumb photo

Above 2014 christmas bake




















dabrownman's picture

They look divine

Bob the bread baker's picture
Bob the bread baker

i thought someone would ask that and rightly so I've only just learned how to post the images this evening give us a day or so and I will attempt to insert a description between each one


drogon's picture


Looks good though!

Mmmmmm. Bacon & Silton - smoked or green bacon? I make a cheese & onion loaf but it never sells that well in the shop I supply to - they are not keen on meat, sadly (veggie hippy wholefood shop)



Bob the bread baker's picture
Bob the bread baker

as per title the image are not in the correct order I had them sorted then they disappeared I will try and sort it tomorrow 


Bob the bread baker's picture
Bob the bread baker

Above one of my standard white baps.