Baking cabinet equipment

Profile picture for user fupjack

I found an old Hoosier baking cabinet in OK condition in an antique store.  They were moving shop, so they happily discounted its already-low price, and I've spent the last two months fixing it up.

I'm not looking to bring it back to the original state - I have no use for a leaky flour dispenser, or a circular spice rack.  I do want to dedicate it to baking, though.  (The material in the second picture is from making a lemon cake last night.)

I'm already thinking of getting a decent hand mixer so that I don't have to schlep a stand mixer in and out, for anything not needing a dough hook.  What do you all keep nearest to hand for baking?



I don't have one, but if I had a dedicated space like your hoosier, I think converting one of the upper spaces into a thermostatically-controlled proofing box might be a good plan. Needs a see-through second door behind the first. It's starting to cool off here now and I'm having to adjust my processes to accommodate, a proofing box makes everything a bit more predictable.

the tools I use most (mixing bowl, mixing spoon and whisk, bowl scraper, digital scale, bench knife) and ingredients.  By close, I mean within a step or two.  My wife rearranged some of our cabinets a few months ago and now all of my flours are 6-7 steps away from my primary work area.  <sigh>  She meant well.
