August 23, 2015 - 10:17am
Private Messaging
Has private messaging been disabled or is it a flaw in my browser?
I use Mozilla Firefox and used to have private messaging?
Has private messaging been disabled or is it a flaw in my browser?
I use Mozilla Firefox and used to have private messaging?
it works just fine.
Should be back for you now
Hope you enjoyed your hols. Welcome back.
Just thought I'd let you know that my private messaging is not back yet. I'm on Android. Office computer which is windows also hasn't been working but won't know if its back yet till tomorrow.
Thanks so much Floyd.
not working for me :(
He'll fix it for you.
Like others, I don't see option for private messaging anywhere. Nor do I see how to ask Floydm to fix it. What do I do?
(update: Thanks for the clue, AbeNW11. Email to Floydm initiated fix right away.)
Floyd gives you his email for any enquiries. It's just not in email format. Instead he writes it out as words.
Here it is...
Just ask him to enable private messaging for you.