July 13, 2015 - 8:30am
Hello From Greater Manchester
Hi everyone.
Got hooked into sourdough thanks to the amazing AbeNW11 who has been so encouraging. I can't knead or do anything intensive because of health, so many of the recipes are ideal as they are done in stages. Wanting to improve and also trial other types of flours.
Nice to have you here on board where many talented bakers can take you to greater heights then I can. Such a great pool of talent here ready for you to learn from. Ask a question and you'll get such helpful answers.
Thanks Abe.
Was going to put a photo with it being an intro. But the only decent one I have came out upside down (a bit like me). Reckon the few I have on Google+ and FB is bad enough.
Looking forward to gaining knowledge as and when. Onwards and upwards.
Devon that is!
If you can't knead then there are plenty of alternatives - simple stretch and fold methods, or even using a mixer or bread maker. Let the machine do the work, then you just need to do the final shaping and proving then bake...
Thanks Gordon. Indeed that is what I have been doing and it seems to work well. Even if I am not up to a simple mixing together of 'softer' ingredients; I will put it in the bread maker and mix for a couple of minutes before tipping back. The stretch and fold I seem to be able to cope with okay.
We are in Sierra Madre, CA - up against the mountains in Los Angeles - close enough to see deer running down the street, bears taking a stroll, and even bobcats occasionally. I am a musician (viola)/ love to play quartets; play in a community orchestra and write grants for the group. I also tutor kids/ middle school boys mostly, and adults. I love to bake bread. This is a great site. There is so much to learn, even when I've been baking off and on for years.
Sounds a wonderful place to be bboop.
Pluses and minuses, of course. Minuses being high taxes, highest gas taxes in US, and LOTS of other people you have to share the road with!!