I've been wanting to use quinoa again and it came to the top of the list this week. But what to combine with it? I find it is fairly neutral in flavor, at least the white kind I have is, but it does add a little texture, just hard to identify what. Alas, if it's in the kitchen and neither an implement or a cleaner, it's fair game to go into bread. So, the quinoa plus... sundried tomatoes and herbs, oregano and basil, and a little black pepper just because.
Proportions loosely followed the 1-2-3 method. I find this a useful base formula with which to improvise, adjusting hydration here and there to suit the combinations. This time, the flour was 30% WW and 70% BF (including the flour in the levain). The flours and water (about 70%) were autolysed for 2-hours, then combined with the levain and salt (2%) with 8-minutes of slap and folds. The quinoa was soaked for the same 2-hours. then drained and added with the sundried tomatoes and dried herbs at the 2nd (of 3) stretch and folds.
It all came together to a supple, elastic dough. Bulk fermented at room temp for about 4 hours, then shaped and placed into a basket, covered and chilled about 16 hours overnight. Brought it out to room temp for 2-3 hours before baking at 450F on my baking stone and covered with my La Cloche dome for 20 minutes and another 20-25 minutes uncovered.
And it baked up dark, with a crisp, chewy crust, open crumb and smelling rather like pizza, so elicited a compliment even from my husband who prefers his bread soft and store-bought. I'm really happy with this one - but next time, it needs some cheese.
Happy baking everyone!
PS - We got a bit of good news this past week. Daisy's newest x-rays were encouraging enough that the orthopedic vet feels she won't need surgery. I was ready to celebrate, but she wasn't impressed and only wanted to get back in the carrier and go home. So, another month in a splint, but she's not letting it crimp her style much. Surprising how determined she can be... Go Daisy!
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Beautiful bread! Cheese is easy to add on as a sandwich or grilled. yum!
Poor Kitty. Wow, jumped up with only one back leg! Amazing!
with her injury - maybe it was the good news of now surgery:-) Yeah! We loved to make our own sun dried tomatoes even before we got a dehydrator for sprouting grains. They are so cheap when you make your own and so expensive when you don't:-) We love them in bread too. This one has to taste especially good with the oregano and basil. Put a slice of cheese on it and put it in the toaster - instant pizza. I see the raptors are still hanging about your kitchen too! A lovely loaf for sure. Well done and
Happy baking
and looks wonderful. I need to do more experimenting with add ins. Best wishes to your kitty..hope she heals fast!
I agree, grilled cheese will be a tasty treat! Tomato soup would make it the ideal comfort food, too!
I've roasted tomatoes, but not dried them, may want to invest in a dehydrator one day soon. Then I can experiment more with sprouted grains.
Daisy appreciates the get well wishes and she's working hard to 1) get well and 2) ignore the fact that she isn't well. She has done her share of griping, but really has been a trooper through the entire thing.
Go, T-Rex! In our neighborhood, T-Rex has to compete with the peafowl for roosting rights.