Khalid's Götzenburg Bread - Whole Grain Baking in Dubai

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When I - driven from a real "Breaking Bad Bread" experience - challenged my baking buddies from The Fresh Loaf, Facebook and several congenial blogs to create a "Bread for the Knight with the Iron Hand", I promised myself to try all 30 loaves over time.

Well, let's say, almost all of them: the original 1914 German Army Kriegsbrot I'll better keep in reserve when times get tough.

Preparing Khalid's Götzenburg-Brot, I was struck by the idea to not only present his bread on my blog, but, also, finally satisfy my curiosity, asking my Fresh Loaf friend (username: Mebake) how on earth he came to bake whole grain breads in Dubai (a hint: flat bread are not much fun!)

If you want to take a look "behind the scenes", and learn more about the "Golden Wheat Bakery" and whole grain baking in Dubai. please follow me here to my blog Brot & Bread.

to taste terrific! Loved his story on why and how Khalid got into whole grain baking.  I noticed his last bake has sprouted whole rye in it.  Nice post but i can't figure put how you fond the time to bake all of the Iron Fist breads while running a bakery business too!   Well done and 

Happy Baking 

I get to baking the Götz breads now and then, did 6 so far, all of them good. It will certainly take quite a while. I like the idea of presenting some of the German contributions on my English blog and vice versa.

Your Swabian Potato Bread is baked, eaten, very much enjoyed, and the post will follow (hopefully) soon.

Happy Baking!


I love the idea of cross sharing recipes and blogs between your German bakers and us; brings Bakers from different countries closer to each other.


Better one check too many than the annoyance of clicking of a link that doesn't work.

Your bread will be in the works after my return from Germany. A new castle hotel to visit, and let's see about their bread.

