The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Bread Brain

a_warming_trend's picture

Bread Brain

That's what my closest coworker calls me, and she's probably not wrong. Ever since falling in love with baking bread, I've found myself unconsciously (it really is unconsciously!) seeing the world around me through the lens of bread-creation. I'm not TRYING to glance at the wicker baskets on friends' desks, only drift out of the conversation to imagine how they would make perfect brotforms. I can't walk down the aisles of a hardware store without thinking about how something I see (a blade?) might help me actually score my loaves well, or something (a particular pan?) might help me create steam in my terrible apartment oven.

So I found myself at Bed Bath and Beyond the other day, searching for a gift for a friend. (As a sidenote: That store is overwhelming and slightly disconcerting.) Anyway, I fixated on one particular huge, inexpensive turkey roaster. A large, curved metal object with a handle! I've been using combo cookers and dutch ovens for all of my breads (and I've been intrigued by the lava rock cast iron pan approach), but I couldn't help but ponder how this metal dome could work when placed over a baking stone. 

I've tried it a few times this week, and I'm pretty excited. The boules are similar to those I've baked in dutch ovens or combo cookers, but the batards...these are the first real ears I've ever achieved on batards (which I am still flailing about trying to shape, honestly). they're modest ears, but they're ears, so I'll take them!

1) Rosemary & Parmesan

2) Cranberry-Pecan with 50% Sprouted Whole Wheat

I'm not sure there's a cure for Bread Brain. But I think I'm okay with that. 



dmsnyder's picture

You associate your re-centering of perception on bread making with "falling in love with baking bread." That is the correct diagnosis. Falling in love always entails a constant pre-occupation with one's beloved. 

Happy baking!


P.S. Very nice breads. There's a lot to love there. 

Edo Bread's picture
Edo Bread

This post really made me laugh (that does not mean I do the same thing... really) Looks like you are getting good results with that!. I am really sold on my cloche - I actually thought that is what it was a first. Experiments with a lot of different methods have shown me it is the way to go. Have fun! Looks great.

a_warming_trend's picture

David, you nailed it! Thanks for the thoughts. 

Edo, I've eyed cloches many times, and I would not be surprised if it shows up on my "most wanted bread-related tools and gatchets" list soon. 

Janetcook's picture

Lovely breads.  

I fell in love with baking the same way and have been hooked ever since but my experiments have slowed way down as I have settled into a routine that works.  Now when I walk through hardware stores or cooking stores etc. I am not distracted since I have 'already been there and done that'.  The initial rush was exciting but settling into a 'steady relationship' and merely fine tuning is delightful too.

The breads/doughs will show you the way and people here who have gone ahead are a priceless resource.



If you do a search you will find homemade cloches that cost pennies to make using flower pots and a couple of bolts from a hardware store.

dabrownman's picture

They have to taste great.  Well done and happy baking.  When you start looking for 'bread baking stuff' in auto parts stores you know you have.... arrived near bread Nirvana:-)

Happy Baking

lepainSamidien's picture

It looks like your tryst with sourdough is paying dividends: week after week, you are making some very photogenic loaves, scored and baked masterfully, showing the signs of being cared for by an attentive belle. Très bien !

And bread brain is a perfectly normal condition, and you find yourself in a community of sufferers, to varying degrees and of diverse manifestations. It's a joy and an obsession; it will bring you to some interesting places. Enjoy the ride and keep us in the loop !

CAphyl's picture

Hannah:  Love this collection of breads.  The open crumb is fantastic.  I was at Bed, Bath and Beyond this week, too, and I am always looking for the best baking tools.  I also like to experiment, and it seems like you have found a great new bread baking system.  Like Edo Bread, I love my LaCloche and keep coming back to it, but I am always open to trying new things.  There is a bread obsession when one of the last things one does before going to sleep is to think of what baking and feeding activity is required the next day!  Thanks for sharing your obsession with us.  Best,  Phyllis

a_warming_trend's picture

Thanks for all of the great comments and encouragement! I'm definitely still in the honemoon phase. Thank you for being so patient with my bread babble!