I'm embarassed to say that this is the first bread I've baked since the summer. What can I say, I've been busy. At least I've been dutifully feeding my starter!
Today I baked Pane Lariano from the formula in Daniel Leader's book Local Breads. It's 50% whole wheat. I've made the all-white flour version many times and everyone loves it. I'm happy to report that this version came out just as good and I'm sure everyone will love it as much as the other.
I followed Leader's formula and directions with one exception - I increased the oven temperatures by 50 degrees. Specifically, I started the bake at 500 F and lowered it to 450 F after the first 20 minutes. Even though Leader says to bake the loaves until the crust is practically charred, I did get a bit concerned that I burned my loaves. The finished loaves do look almost black, but the flavor is anything but burnt. And the crumb is very light and open considering this bread is 50% whole wheat. One of these loaves will accompany Peposo tonight - a peppery beef stew from Tuscany.
- Sjadad's Blog
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