Spiral mixer breaker bar dimensions?
recently I moved to a new apartment. My neighbour seemed to be eager to remove her spiral mixer from her kitchen, so I reluctantly offered mine, well.. not so reluctantly:-)
The mixer doesn't have a breaker bar, so I asked a friend to add it. This friend recently bought a bigger spiral mixer (brand Famag IM10, their web site is http://www.famagsrl.org/prodotti/settore-alimentare ). He's not entirely satisfied by his purchase: he says that he needs to fill at least half the volume to make the mixer handle correctly his pizza doughs (80-90% hydratation). We analyzed the mixing action and we noticed that contrary to some other professional spiral mixer his bar is much thinner: probably 2cm x 0.5 cm instead of 2x2. More ordinary dough (a bit drier) mix very well, of course, even in much smaller quantities. In case it's interesting to someone let me add that the smaller distance between the bar and the spiral arm is 1 cm.
I'd like if someone could explain the characteristics that a breaker bar should have in the context of a spiral mixer. I'm totally ignorant on the subject.
In the meantime I'm playing with my neighbour's plain mixer and I'm already quite happy with what I obtained. You can bet there's a lot of butter inside:). My challenge consists in obtaining good results with doughs of reduced sizes (at most 2 kg).