The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Boules from the newbie

Christopher Hoffman's picture
Christopher Hoffman

Boules from the newbie

As requested here, a pic of the loaves made from Sue's starter. THANKS SUE!

Mini Oven's picture
Mini Oven


AbeNW11's picture
AbeNW11 (not verified)

Love the crumb. 

BobBoule's picture

I wish my newbie loaves looked that good! Beautiful airy crumb and a think lovely crust, well done.

dabrownman's picture

for sure.  Has to taste great and a fine pick up from Sue too.  Well done and

Happy baking

brednbrew's picture

That would look great on my table!


Christopher Hoffman's picture
Christopher Hoffman

Thanks! It's been a few weeks since I baked. Time to rev up some starter!!!