Roast Potato and Rosemary with Wholemeal
Hi folks i got around to a bake this week after 7 weeks holiday, and also being the last week of students at the college, i suggested a loaf based on one that i had seen in The Bourke Street Bakery book, Theirs was roasted Potato and Rosemary, mine was a bit different in that i was going to use 1/3 wholemeal flour, i was also going to use a biga,
i needed to make a 2kg biga, so quickly worked out the quantities of wholemeal flour that i would require and the water to have 2kgs this was simply 100% flour 65% water = 165% 2000g divided by 165 =12.12
Flour is then 1212 grams water 788g to this i added just 0.025% dry yeast 3.5g that is 1/4% i also decided to add the fresh chopped rosemary 12 gramsto allow the flavour to eminate. This dough was mixed well and set aside for the next day, it has a small amount of yeast so that it ferments very slowly especially if it goes in the cool room for a period of time. As it was, there was a bit of an accident in the fact that someone failed to close the cool room door properly overnight so the temperature was not as cold as it should have been, and when i went to use it i thought that it looked well past its prime. and the confession of the coolroom was offered
Not to worry i was going to use it anyway.
The biga was incorporated to the main dough consisting of 4000g flour 100g salt 100g butter 100g eggs(2) Yeast 80g water 2000 the next evening. i cover the Biga in very warm water to get its temperature just right you can massage it in the water to assist, and even use that water for the dough. the dough was mixed well and then the 1kg of roasted potatoe cut into 20cm chunks was hand folded through the dough and then set aside to bulk prove in a container.
As the kitchen was in use for the training restaurant and they were short of students for the Christmas Buffet i made another dough for the 100 dinner rolls that were required for the patrons. This was an instant dough that required no bulk fermentation i made this a 50% wholemeal with eggs and butter to make them a bit more tastier. by the time they had been processed and into the proover the main dough was now ready to be scaled this was done @700g with 6 or so going into bannetons and the rest onto linen couches on ply boards.
The dinner rolls were then washed and seeded and baked off, The main loaves were then placed onto baking trays and the ones off the couches were washed with the cornflour wash and slashed, the bannetons were decanted and all went into the oven or not quite all. i had 4 loaves that wouldnt fit in and as the other oven had merringues and puddings being cooked i took them into another empty class room and placed them into a couple of the ovens there. Water vapour was used inthe main oven but not in the overflow as there is no facility for that.
I baked the loaves out reasonably well and placed them in a safe place so that they could be distributed in the morning to training cafe in Fremantle. The aroma from the Rosemary was very pleasant and when i got home i was able to sample the wares i knew that they were not going to disappoint.
All in all everyone liked them a great deal and my last slice made great toast
Kind regards Derek
love herb / potato anything so this has to taste really good as well. Enjoy the kids being gone and the doors closed :-) Well done as usual and
Happy baking Derek/
Looking tasty Derek. Love that chunk of potato in some of the slices as well.
Thanks guys it was a welcome return for everyone, and the bread was indeed very tasty, i will have to check out some of the other Bourke Street Bakery offerings to try.