After a long absence from baking due to visitors, travel and so on, I have gotten away from baking my own bread. With the winter months and some insanely cold weather in these parts it seemed like a good time to fire the oven up. I used 2 Tbs of dehydrated onion and enough water to make the dough plus some which will get absorbed. the soaking water was used in the dough -- of course! As I am in a very dry environment I upped the hydration to 70% and used a little more egg than recommended, but this dough made great tasting buns and was a dream to work.
Nice crumb!
Despite pressing these to about 3/4" thick, for the second bake in a row the just exploded up in the oven. This was a yeasted bake as both my YW and sweet levain didn't survive my alst travels. My first try with Debra Wink's pineapple juice solution failed as did my first YW re-try. I have a second YW starter started and am starting another pineapple juice try so please cross your fingers crossed.
I baked some of P. Reinhart's soft pull apart dinner rolls last week. I was going to do the butter flake rolls in a muffin tin but instead placed tightly formed boules into the muffin pan and still got pull apart rolls. this worked well but a squar pan give a better pull apart product.
My interest in baking breads and rolls is now re-kindled. I love the recipe for Norm's onion buns and have it book marked. It is an easy search on this site for the recipe. today I am doing a take off using both dehydrated onion and garlic, fresh rosemary and potato to see where this takes the savory profile. Happy baking Fresh Loaf friends. I baaack. Best regards Ski
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They both look great, nice job!
So how did you kill off your starter? I ask b/c they are notoriously hard to kill.
niether the levain nor YW would respond . . . The YW seems to be coming along but with cold ambient temperatures is taking longer. Until I get my starters back I can be satisfied with a couple of nice yeasted bakes. Happy baking! Brian
before I forget for another 2 months. Now you know why folks dry some starter on parchment paper and put it in a glass jar. It re hydrates and is starter again in 3 days ready to bake. It is fun making starter from scratch though.
Your buns are looking very good Ski. I thought for sure you would be out on the slopes.. Nice to see you back Ski and
Happy SD baking.
It was too cold to ski last weekend at -27C and -37C, but I have been out the past two days as it has warmed up enough to venture outside. With those cold temps, you really need to have the oven on! Happy baking coach! Ski
Those look great. Welcome back!
. . .back in the kitchen baking again. I do enjoy baking and have found ways to fit it in to my daily routine. Happy baking, Brian
Welcome back! So glad to hear from you again. Funny, I was just thinking we haven't seen anything posted from you in a while so it is nice to see you are doing well.
The buns look great. I've made them before and yours look real good.
Happy Baking.
Nice to be back baking and back browsing TFL for great baking ideas. I really do like this recipe. a nice snap in the crust and the onion flavour in the water makes for a very tasty crumb! Happy baking Ian! Regards, Brian
I was born in Brooklyn way before the hipsters, and remember eating these onion rolls. I couldn't wait to bake them and noted a comment that Norm made on TFL after he posted the recipe. "These also take full proof, less than full proof could make them blow up". You might want to let them proof a little longer next time, but they look yummy to me.
I will do the poke test next time I bake Norm's rolls. Great call finding the less than full proof can make them blow up. That must be it! I have been away from my oven and baking bench for a while and am a bit rusty. thanks for the GREAT suggestion and happy baking! Brian