Recommendation For New Scale.....



I am in need of a new scale as my old one is no longer very accurate.  Can anyone recommend a brand that is accurate but not too expensive?  TIA.



I have the My Weigh KD8000 and like it. It does turn off if not used for a little bit (at least when on batteries). It has a baker's percentage function that I never use, but the 7000 is about the same price without that ability so I went with the 8000. Bought it last year. Somewhere around $34 at amazon. I might eventually buy an adapter so I can plug it in and not have it turn off but I haven't run into a problem with it since I usually only walk away when it is time to tare anyway.

Hi Maverick.  I have been contemplating buying this scale for the bakers% function but am not sure how this works, if indeed it does do what it says.   Altho I have a very basic knowledge of bakers math, I find it rather difficult and I was wondering if this function on the scale would be helpful.  I need to scale most bread recipes down to one small loaf, as bread stales before I can eat larger loaves.  As I am in Australia, it will cost about $A75, so I don't want to waste money if this function is not worthwhile, as I already have 2 digital scales.  It appears it is currently unavailable on an Aust site. I have asked to be advised if it becomes available.  Would you mind advising me if you think the bakers math function would be helpful to this mathematically challenged old bird or whether I should save my money.  Thanks.



Ingrid, thanks for the info.  This is the site to which I referred in my post above.  Their site tells me it is currently unavailable and they will advise if and when it becomes available.  I am also hopeful someone will post info as to whether the bakers math function will be of any use to this mathematically challenged bread baker!


I never use the scale for baker's math because I just scale it ahead of time. The scale does a fine job of it though. I have tested it, just never use it. The one thing is that default the auto-off feature is on (and set for 2 minutes I believe), and if you are using the baker's % function this will be a problem since it resets at this point. Luckily this model lets you turn off that feature (or make it 5 minutes instead). If using baker's % I highly recommend turning this function off.

The function is not worth extra money to me, but it might be to someone that has a harder time figuring out the math. I liked the MyWeigh 7001 as well but I killed it by accident. It costs less too. The 7000 would be just fine too if money is an issue. Those are the only 3 I have used (a friend has the 7000). I know nothing about places in Australia and their reliability, but I did come across this site that seems to have better prices:

Maverick, thanks for the info and also the link.  I checked the site and price and will see what the shipping costs will be.  Sounds like this scale might be useful for me.

Ingrid, I will check back on Fishpond and will then compare costs with Maverick's suggestion.  They will no doubt be very comparable as Fishpond shipping is free. The medical site in Melbourne is about $20 cheaper, which will no doubt be much the same taking into consideration the shipping cost to Adelaide.


On the fishpond site, it's the first scale and it is available. There are a few more further down that are not available. Anyhow, good luck!