The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

San Joaquin SD: The good, the bad and the ugly

emkay's picture

San Joaquin SD: The good, the bad and the ugly

David's (dmsnyder's) San Joaquin sourdough is my new go-to bread. I've made it on four separate occasions over the past 2 weeks. I love the convenience of the method that David developed based on Anis Bouabsa's baguettes. My only change is to use more rye. I use about 15% whole rye in the final dough and in my levain. My hydration is usually around 76-77%.

I mix my levain in the morning (or the night before) and the dough in the evening. I stretch and fold the dough to develop the gluten over a 3 hour period and then bulk retard in the refrigerator for 18 to 24 hours. The next evening, I do a quick preshape of the cold dough and a 60 minute bench rest. The final proof is about 45 minutes. Hot and fresh sourdough for dinner!

The GOOD...

Glorious simplicity.



With a tiny bit of kalamata and castelvetrano olives.




The BAD...

Here's the same batch of olive dough but underproofed. I circled the blown out portion that is typical of an underproofed loaf.




And the UGLY...

Failed attempt at shaping a blunt baguette. Looks ugly, but the taste and texture were amazing. It made the best sandwich roll.



A big shout out to David for sharing his wonderful Central-Valley-meets-Paris sourdough. Thanks!!!!!



Simon280586's picture

Those look great, and even the blowout still looks tasty. Lovely crumb on the baguette in particular. I need to make this recipe again, I've only done it a couple of times but the result was delicious on both occasions.

emkay's picture

I was very happy with the crumb on the "baguette". It turned out so much better than I expected. Thanks Simon. 

golgi70's picture
golgi70 (not verified)

All the varieties the good, bad, and ugly look fantastic.  I'll attest that shaping these as a "pretty" baguette is not the easiest feat.  Just keep it up and make a couple batards and be sure to make a little extra dough for a few baguettes and in due time you'll get it down.  



emkay's picture

I should practice shaping baguettes with a lower hydration dough and work my way up. Thanks for the encouragement, Josh!

dabrownman's picture

That is nice combination for sure.  Blowouts and baguettes pale in comparison to these batches of San Joaquin bread.  Well done and keep at those baguettes - they will eventually be conquered and before you know it.

Happy baking

emkay's picture

Baguettes are my "Everest". Got to keep climbing and eventually I will make it. Thanks dab!

dmsnyder's picture

The "good" looks fabulous! The "bad" ain't so bad. And the "ugly" just looks rustic. Maybe not your intention, but looks like a lot of "pain à l'anciènne."

I'm glad you are enjoying the SJSD.


emkay's picture

Ah, rustic is a perfect way to describe it. Thanks David!

Janetcook's picture

Like others have said - these all look good to me.  

I one you labeled bad looks more like a blow out due to no scoring on top which would allow for expansion?  Just a guess on my part because in the photo the top crust looks solid - like no scoring at all.  Your crumb shot does not look like an under proofed dough to me either due to the nice array of 'holes' it shows…

All look tasty especially with the olives.  I love how the addition of olives makes a dough handle.

Thanks for the post and photos.


emkay's picture

It's true that I didn't score that loaf. I baked it seam side up hoping that it would bloom open along the seams. I guess I sealed my seams too well. Thanks Janet. 

Isand66's picture

Nice bake.  Even with the blow-out, the crumb and crust look excellent.  You can just call it the "Alien" bread :).


emkay's picture

I am very fond of aliens. :) 

CAphyl's picture

Emkay:  Thanks for sharing the good, bad and ugly.  I do love David's recipe and look forward to making it again when I am back in my kitchen for a period of time.  Love your "good" looks perfect.  I have never seen a "blow out" like you have pictured.  Very interesting.  Love your last crumb shot...that's about as perfect as it gets.  Love the olives, too!  Best,  Phyllis

emkay's picture

Thanks Phyllis! 

emkay's picture

I had some leftover cheese so I added it into my most recent batch of SJSD. Sharp cheddar and pecorino romano along with a healthy dose of freshly ground black pepper.

