Would this be a good recipe?


The goal is to make it as nutritionally complete as possible, the device used would be this:

-500g whole wheat flour

-dry yeast 2.5g

-brown sugar 3g

-butter 6g

-iodized sea salt 3g

-sunflower seeds 46g


Please tell me what you think.



So you should add water or something else to arrive at (to get an easy dough) 65-70% hydration (about 325-350 ml, depending on your flour, maybe a bit more).

Also, you're going for 100% whole wheat which is not the easiest type of bread, if you haven't baked much before then I'd suggest going for 50% and substituting the rest with strong bread flour).  Else chances are you'll end up with a very dense brick.  Don't have experiences with bread making machines, perhaps best to stick with some of the provided recipes for the first couple of times.

 Edited to add:

- whole-wheat also has a pronounced taste and is not for everyone even when perfectly executed, just saying.

- don't exactly know what your goals are here...salt looks very low to me, should be more like 8-10 gr I'd guess, butter and brown sugar are not required (but of course possible) and in the quantities you're going to add them the impact/taste will be negligible


This type of bread would be the main meal, so I'm trying to put as much in it in one go, there would be no other food except something to put on it like cheese spread, jam or honey.

So, basically it would be like a complete nutrition brick.

for what we call Bread Flour in the U.S. It has more gluten than all-purpose flour. Here are some other equivalents

British term = U.S. Term

Plain Flour = All-Purpose Flour

Strong Flour, Strong Bread Flour = Bread Flour

Wholemeal Flour = Whole Wheat Flour

Extra-Strong Flour = High-gluten Flour

Fine Plain Flour = Pastry Flour

Self-raising flour, SR flour = Self-rising flour

...if you want to keep things simple it means that the label explicitly has to state 'Bread flour', it's a type that has high gluten content which you'll need if you want a good crumb development.  Depending on where you live it can have various other names but as long as the label mentions 'bread flour' you'll be ok.

Not so sure that you'll be able to pack all that your body needs just in bread.  I suppose it could technically be done via careful ingredient selection (adding diversified protein sources etc) but I'm not convinced you'll get a really tasty result (have you ever eaten some old-fashioned army rations?  Everything one needs is in there, theoretically perfectly balanced.  But let me tell you, they grow awfully old awfully fast).

For sure you won't be getting all minerals and vitamins without some rather exotic tricks such as adding protein powder.  And certainly not in a bread baking machine. Not all that can be done should imo be done, bread is just part of a balanced nutrition.  Do some reading up so that you know all about diversified protein/amino acid needs, vitamin content, fiber, glycaemic load of various carbohydrates.  If I'd have to name one type of bread that might come closest (though it will lack some vitamins/minerals and amino acids) I guess it might be German style pumpernickel or  whole rye bread.  Won't happen in a machine and is not something I'd recommend as a first baking project.  

Research (and, just my 2 cents, reconsider making bread the end-all of your nutrition scheme).



500g whole wheat

8g iodized sea salt

23g butter

5g dry yeast

7g brown sugar

28g milk powder

46g sunflower seeds

210g water

Anyone willing to try it out? You just have to have a digital scale and that bread baker


...why should we do the legwork and  experimenting for you?  Upping the hydration will get something that's edible for sure.  I've baked breads like it in the past and they were fine.  Got a preferment that's almost ripe now and will bake another whole wheat in a couple of hours that'll more or less resemble this but minus the milk powder and brown sugar.

At a starting hydration of 42% minus whatever the sunflower seeds suck up I don't think it would be a great idea for anyone to try this. Aside from other possible problems that you seem unconcerned with I would up the water to like 375g thats 75% hydration but all that thirsty thirsty whole wheat will make it feel like seventy or under.


have a hydration of about 58% to 60%. Much below that and the dough will be crumbly and dry, making a dense loaf. Much above 66% and the dough starts to get gooey. You want the kneading dough in a bread machine to resemble an unbaked canned biscuit dough. Something you could remove from the machine and knead by hand. Not too dry and not too wet.

Yes, you nailed it exactly, I just checked the panasonic manual recipes and ones that contain that much whole wheat flower and sunflower seeds have 375-380g of water.

Everything else is as should be.

Bake the recipe yourself just saying - In less than 4 hours you will know everything you need to know about your recipe

Happy baking

56g soy flour

400g whole wheat flour

56g sesame flour

46g sunflower seeds

28g dry milk

28g butter

300g water

10g iodized sea salt

7g dry yeast

Slap some cheese on it and you have all the nutrients, proteins and carbohydrates for the day.

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