Greetings all on TFL! My name is Cory, I´m new here as you can see. I finally got the nerve to bake some bread so thought I would share here. I have some experience with cookies, muffins, pancakes and crepes. Even tried a no yeast pizza dough (which was not worth trying again..). But until a couple days ago I had not touched yeast. Now that I have, to me it is similar to forcing yourself to dip your toe into a river for the first time, but once you´re completely in the water you don´t want to get out.
So here is my first attempt at a basic boule. Image is somewhat blurry. It was taken with an old and cheap digital camera.
For this loaf I used this method which is based on the 5min a day thing that seems to have exploded in the last few years (learning all this stuff in the last few days).
- Cory_v's Blog
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of yeast bread looks very tasty. Good luck with your bread baking