The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Cinnamon and Raisins wholewheat levain

CeciC's picture

Cinnamon and Raisins wholewheat levain

Last week I made a similar loaf which ended up with a flat disc. With enormous help I get from Josh and DA. This week I pull myself together and try again. I got so excited when its out of the oven, coz it looks like a successful bake to me.

Heres my formulae

200G white Levain (100% hydration)

600G Wholewheat flour

400G AP Flour

780G Water 

20G pre-soaked raisin water

20G Salt

3cups Raisin

2Tbs Cinnamon

1) Mixed starter, flour and water autolyse for 60mins

2) At the same time, soak raisins with warm water

3) drain the raisins. Add 20G of Raisin Water and salt into the dough and mix with pincer method until some gluten is developed



4) Bulk Fermentation for 3 hours (dough Temp @ 75F)with 3 S&F (30,60,90)  Squeeze in raisin during the first fold. 

 First Fold

 first fold

 Second fold

Second fold

5) Bulk Fermentation Complete and ready to be divided (To determine when it is ready, I did a finger poke test, poke it if it doesnt bounce back, it has completed it bulk fermentation.)

complete bulk fermentation

 6) Pre-shape and  it into a boule. Retarded for 12Hours in the fridge. Then baked in Corning casserole Dish.





After 12 Hrs Retard


60% ww Cinnamon and raisin sd

One i didnt seal the seam very tight and proofed it seam side down and bake in forkish style with natural explosion.

60% ww Cinnamon and raisin sd

The other one with tight seam proofed seam up. 



60% ww Cinnamon and raisin sd

Cumb Shot - coz of my poor photo taking technique, the crumb has a nice brown color but apparently is not showing in the picture



This post has been submitted to YeastSpotting


Isand66's picture

Looks fantastic.  How did it taste?  Did you get a nice cinnamon flavor? 

CeciC's picture

It taste really good, cinnamon flavor is not toostrong but it nicely blended with raisins. So its pretty good. 

breadsong's picture

This bread looks just beautiful - and flavorful! - made with the whole wheat, levain, all those raisins and generous amount of cinnamon.
I was wondering, did you dust the raisins with cinnamon before folding the raisins in, or did you mix the cinnamon in with the flour?
:^) breadsong

CeciC's picture

Hi Breadsong,

I didnt coat the raisin with cinnamon, I add it when I cut in raisin water towards the end of mixing. I was in a rush so I didnt drain the raisin very dry. I think i would try mixing it with raisin n see.


Janetcook's picture

Very nice loaves!  Nice open crumb even with raisins added which can weigh a loaf down.

Bet it won't last long if your family likes cinnamon raisin bread like mine does. 


CeciC's picture

Yes it didnt last very long. I only have one loaf left. Surprisingly it keeps very well, its not stalled after 3 days out in the air.



golgi70's picture
golgi70 (not verified)

Amazingly open crumb with all the added raisins. Well done.  I'm sure its a dream toasted with some vanilla butter


CeciC's picture

Thank you Josh,

I cant do it without you and DA. You two are my baking mentor who walk me thu my problem very patiently and explain everything very thoroughly. 

Btw what is vanilla butter?


golgi70's picture
golgi70 (not verified)

1 stick butter (unsalted) soft

1/2 vanilla bean, scraped



whip butter with scraped vanilla bean, pinch of salt,  and honey to taste (depending how sweet you want it)

Pretty simple but yummy


dabrownman's picture

Your baking skills are really starting to take off so there is no looking back now.  Well done.  A great crumb for such a high whole meal percent.  Love you proofing baskets too.  You got this one nailed at 90% proof so your over proofing is behind you too.  I'm guessing you will be baking up some fine breads from now on.

Happy baking

CeciC's picture

Finally DA,Your explanation on second proof is the most important tipping point converting a brick to a nicely bake loaf with fantastic texture. Without your help n tip, I wont be able to gauge it % of proof. I dun think I have nail the skill in judging the level of Donness not until I can do this with confidence. 

BTW these proofing basket is really cheap in HK, I can post them to you if u want.

Merry Christmas DA, cant wait to see your pannetone.
