A most unusual levain ingredient

Profile picture for user dsadowsk

Lately I've been feeding my levain with a mix of AP and WW flour per FWSY. I've been keeping it in the refrigerator in a labeled plastic container.

Today I took it out for its weekly feeding, and saw that some overeager Thanksgiving guest (or perhaps one of us, we were pretty zombified by the end of the day yesterday) mistook it for a container of baba ghanoush -- the color was extremely similar -- and dumped some baba on top of it.

While fortunately the baba was not stirred in, it is denser than the dough and sank deep down into the container.

I was able to find some dough all the way at the bottom of the container that did not appear to have much if any of the contaminant, and I'm using that to rebuild my levain. This will be a good test of whether ingredients added to a levain have any effect after continued feedings of just flour and water, assuming that next week someone doesn't mistake my levain for horseradish sauce.

And if the essence of baba manages to persist through many feedings in some culinary version of homeopathy, who knows, maybe it will make a fantastic pita!