The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

So you think you want to open a bakery...

mse1152's picture

So you think you want to open a bakery...

An interesting video that shows how much work goes on in the back of the bakery. These guys are working hard and fast. About 3:30 into the video, there is a time lapse of various starters rising and collapsing over several hours.

I'm waiting for some bread to cool enough to cut, so I've been cruising YouTube. Hopeless, I know.


Paddyscake's picture

I got tired just watching..I don't think I could do that day after day, he really gets a workout. I'll just stick to a couple of loaves. Great video, thanks for sharing.

Jeffrey's picture
Jeffrey (not verified)

Look at bread demo 2

he kneads two loaves at once.

AnnieT's picture

Wow! Did you see how fast he slashed those loaves? Great video - I'm still dizzy! A

ehanner's picture

There is a lot to learn in both of those videos. Thanks for posting them. The slashing alone is worth the price of admission! Also seeing how they floured the cloth and then managed it after the proofing was insightful. The dough roller is definitely a pro tool that looks interesting as a time saver. You could see the holes in the ends of the Batards from rolling. From the music I would say it was shot in Europe somewhere. Definitely a high volume oven.

Very cool!


Paddyscake's picture

If you listen the radio station gives it's call letters and says "in Las Vegas, Nevada"

crumb bum's picture
crumb bum

Hey All

My first job was working at a bakery.  I was in Jr. high at the time and can say without reservation that I would not want to have my own bakery.  In the 2 years I spent there I did some dough prep. but most of my evenings that lots of times turned into the next morning were devoted to cookies, pastry prep, and a whole lot of cleaning.  Fridays we used to bake around 400 dozen cookies.  Christmas time was the worst.  We would make all the specialty cookies as well as stollen and that fruitcake no one eats.  It was not uncommon to work untill 3am the week or two leading up to Christmas.  It's not digging ditches, but it is allot of work.

I love to bake bread, brew beer, fly fish and bbq anything that moves.  I would hate to turn something I love into a job if you know what I mean.  If I was to sell bread I think it would be at my local farmers market. A couple months of commitment and selling one day a week.  This would be a good way to get your feet wet I think.  My 2 cents.

Da Crumb Bum

ehanner's picture

I went to a party last week and provided the corned beef and rye bread for about 75 people. It was a big hit and I got a lot of very positive comments from the guests about the bread and meat. One fellow told me he and his brother left the family carpet business and started making pocket bread. That's all they make, along with pita chips and a breakfast sandwich now as well. He liked my rye and thought there was a market for single item bakeries. His Kangaroo bread is huge around Milwaukee and has sales all over the US. It got me thinking anyway about a small line of bread or maybe a corned beef sandwich catering operation.  I'm such a sucker for a good idea.
