I returned from my trip to find three new books waiting for me.
The first is A Passion For Bread by Lionel Vatinet, who runs La Farm Bakery in Cary, North Carolina. It is a very attractive books with lots of step-by-step instructional photos of things like shaping and scoring loaves. There is a good selection of bread recipes, including sourdough and some whole grain recipes, and also some non-bread recipes for things like pesto sauce and soupe à l'oignon.
The second book is Baking By Hand by Andy and Jackie King, proprietors of A&J King Artisan Bakers in Salem, Massachusetts. Another pretty one, with a premise I like: that you can make great artisan bread without any special gear.
The recipes are broken down into sections called "The PM Baker" for sourdoughs and things that take a long time and "The AM Baker" for things baked in the morning shift. There are also some delicious looking pastries and tart recipes included.
The third book is a new edition of Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day, which I have written about previously. The new edition has more photos, a new FAQ section, and a new chapter on gluten-free baking.
I've not had a chance to bake from or dig deeply into any of these yet, but expect to see them in your local bookstore soon.
my local bookstore closed due to the internet they said, no one bought books in a large enough quantity to keep it open. Don't blame the proprietor but so sad. Now I have to get them from WalMart an 80 mile drive to a Coles or try to get one on the internet without a credit card! Not easy!
They look wonderful though so hope they give you some interesting time reading.