I decided to try making a straightforward baguette, as a quick alternative to my overnight version. It turned out pretty nice. Enjoyed it with the first bottle of this year's elderflower sparkling wine. Will write about this on my blog too.

- 400g flours, mixed to combine - 100g sorghum, 100g cornmeal, 100g rice, 100g corn starch
- 7g yeast
- 12g salt
- 25g psyllium
- 600ml water
Mix the psyllium with the water and beat until a gel is formed. Add all of the remaining ingredients. Mix and knead until a smooth dough is formed. Cover in an oiled bowl and leave to rise until approximately 2.5x the original size. Form the baguettes and leave to prove for approx. an hour. During this time, preheat the oven to 250c. Brush the baguettes with water, dust with a little flour if desired and score. Bake for 25 minutes or until well-browned. Do not cut into until fully cooled.

But then, I tend to think of "gluten free" and "baguette" as mutually exclusive terms. In your hands, they are obviously well suited to one another. Well done!
Out of curiosity, how would you describe the flavor?
Thanks Paul! I used to think so too.
Hmm...the corn meal flavour definitely comes through. It's slightly sweet. The sorghum brings a sort of wheat-y flavour although it's very hard to describe! I'm so terrible at flavour descriptions, I'd never make a wine taster! haha.
In general, what type of shop sells psyllium?
I've gotten it locally from Indian supermarkets (it was next to the health stuff, henna, etc because it is used as a traditional remedy - it's very high in fibre!). They might have it in larger health food stores. I just buy it from amazon these days because I can buy it by the kilo from there :)
Ok, thanks for the leads.