My husband and son indulged me by stopping by a couple bakeries while on vacation..they are such good guys : )
Bread Hawaiian Style
Bread Hawaiian Style
Hawaiian Sweet Bread came to islands via the Portuguese. Oh and what a great treat. Punalu'u Bake Shop ( is located in Na'alehu on the Big Island, latitude 19, 4 minutes north of the equator. Besides sweet breads they also have Coconut turnovers and Lilikoi Malasadas and other wonderful baked sweets. We were on our way out of the parking lot when my husband and son decided they had to have more. The car was stopped and my son ran in for more of the Lilikoi Malsadas!Bread Hawaiian Style
We also purchased Coconut Sweet Bread for breakfasts : This is with apple bananas, strawberry papaya, strawberries and lychees. It also made great french toast, or is that Hawaiian toast?Bread Hawaiian Style

I had a tuna salad with wasabi & capers on the Hilo Nori (nori is seaweed, under Artisan Breads) YUM! we also purchased Sesame Sunflower RyeBread Hawaiian Style
Unfortunately, I selected this off the reduced price rack ( I wasn't paying attention and it looked too good)..a bit stale, but perfect for toast!
So back to reality, attempting to revive my neglected starters, pizza dough is all set for tomorrow's dinner and I have potato water all ready for Memo's bread.
If only I could be so excited about going back to work!
PS : All my pics were gone so I re inserted them, sorry if this is redundant..I can't seem to get everything realigned as is it was, so it's a bit chopped up.
Arabia, Hawaii, Birmingham...ya gotta love it. Thanks for the vacation pictures, Paddyscake, I hope you got some of the beach as well. What's the glaze on the malasadas? It looks beyond just powdered sugar or whatnot. And please say more about that Coconut sweet bread with the come-hither look, it seems like it would be very much worth trying to recreate.
is an glaze made with Passion Fruit..think tropical flavor. The Coconut Sweet Bread was pillowy soft, rich and delicious all by itself. It was not overly coconutty in flavor, just right, if that makes any sense. My guess is that they use some coconut milk and flaked coconut. I think with some experimenting it could be recreated. They also make huge 26 oz pullman loaves of mango, taro and guava sweet breads and they also made a swirl with all 3 flavors. I really liked the taro flavor, it's a lilac shade in color.
Jeffrey, the credit for the pics goes to my husband..Thank you.