The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Help!! Panettone/pandoro molds

greedybread's picture

Help!! Panettone/pandoro molds

greetings all bready people:)

I need to know if anyone knows of somewhere in NZ that sells the above items...

I have found and used one place in CHristchurch, NZ before but would prefer elsewhere if possible...

Or if anyone can recommend a european or US store that does not charge the whole national debt of NZ as postage:)

I do have pans that I have used in the past, like a big charlotte pan and a big csserole dish but they produce MASSIVE panettone:) not that it is a bad thing... i would like to try to make baby ones and have located some small terracotta pots that may do the trick but not so good for turning upside down and hanging...

Many thanks in advance...



greedybread's picture

i have been using broiche molds for pandoro...


RobynNZ's picture

Hi Michelle

I'm in Auckland. I looked on Milly's Kitchen Online just now and there is no mention of these moulds. Also tried to find a link for Pantry Magic, a branch of a Hong Kong company, but I can't find it. In the past I used their NZ website. Only Pantry Magic reference is on Trademe. There's a chance their store here has closed I guess. I'll try phoning them both tomorrow afternoon.

I'll also ring some of the bakeries and see if they have any suggestions for where to call. There are some restaurant supply stores too, could be worth calling them as well. I'll see how I get on.

Might be worth dropping a line to Dean Brettschneider he might have some practical suggestions for a source..... leave that to you!

I'll get back to you.

Cheers, Robyn

greedybread's picture

hi robyn...yes, i tried millies...

I ahve been looking on and off for some time...the ones in mercato in chch are the like the ones in a piccy below so i may need to suck it up and get them:) i have seen them from time to time on trade me but not for a while. i even looked @ house of knives which used to stock alot of chef/baker things..if you find anything out, let me know...muchly appreciated...

jyslouey's picture

It has a cardboard bottom and a skewer goes through the bottom to hang them upside down while resting the skewer  on a metal rack. 


greedybread's picture

they are available in mercato in chch so may need to go with them...:) thanks

RobynNZ's picture

Good evening Michelle

I am sorry to report that I have had no success trying to track down a source here for you.

I spoke to a woman at Milly's who said she had previously worked at Sabato (the gourmet food importers). She said she knew of no bakeries making pannetone or pandoro in NZ and that Sabato imported a lot of the product on sale here. This made her think that there was probably no-one selling the moulds. She said Sabato supplied Mercato with the finished product and she wondered outloud whether it might not be worthwhile seeing if Mercato could order moulds via Sabato for you. That sounded expensive to me!! Then she said as you have already thought, there's always Amazon......

Did you try Dean - he has an amazing network?

Cheers, Robyn

greedybread's picture

for all your help...

I may just need to get the paper molds from Mercato as before...I did ask Dean and he sugguested Millies but i had tried them...failing that amazon....will try mercato again first and go from there..


many greedybread thanks:)




carefreebaker's picture

In the past, when making small panettone, I have baked successfully in well buttered lunch bags with the tops turned down.

Boboshempy's picture

Hi Michelle,

I am in the US and own a Panettone bakery.  PM me and I would be happy to sell you some.  I have the regular size and 1/4lb ones too.  Just let me know.
