35 gr Starter
140 gr di H20
140 gr Semola di Grano Duro Rimacinata
Left at Room temperature 22 ° for 10 H
Final Dough
350 + 50 gr di H20
4 gr of Malt
560 gr di Semola di grano Duro Rimacinata
13 gr Salt
- when levain is ready
- take the 350gr H20 and mix the malt
- mix water and levain together with a mixer and rest for 15 min
- add the salt and the 5o gr of water and rest for 40 min
- 1 ½ H bulk fermentation every 30 min S & F
- 20 min of rest after the last S & F
- Preshape and bench rest 15 min
- shape and bannetton for 20 min and than in fridge 4 ° for 20 H
- 1 H at room temperature in the same time preheat the oven
- scoring and baking at :
- 15 min with steam at 250°
- 30 min NO steam at 250 °
- 15 min at 200 with the oven door slightly open
For one loaf
- michelebike's Blog
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Beautiful scoring! Really nice baking!
Aside from your formula and method which look really good, how did you do that scoring? Fantastic! -Varda
Many thanks Varda,
I did 4 small cuts (8 cm / 3.5 inch) circular om the top of the loaf and two larger on the outside with a scoring knife ..........The result is similar to a rose with the help of oven sprig
Ooooo... really, what a beauty!
Many many thanks Floydm....
Fantastic looking bread! Love that scoring.
Nice crumb too for 100% durum. A flour AI have little experience with. I think I used to make a Challa with durum wheat some time ago but thats it.
Makes me think I need to try out durum, folks seem to be turning out gorgeous loaves with out, but I haven't seen any with that scoring pattern before.
Would be perfect fo some Desert Durum If I can find some more! Love the scoring and the bold bake.
Well done!
Like many others have said - beautiful scoring and crust color too. Very pretty loaf of bread. Almost would hate to cut into and eat such a masterpiece.
Thanks for sharing.
sturdy hands you have to score such a clean cut curve.. beautiful. nice bold bake on the crust. never tried a 100% durum wheat .. you inspired me to give it a go. would be lovely to have a picture of the crumb too :)
happy baking
the slice
the crumb
the crust
the golden loaf...
Many thank to everybody
... and I also imagine the smell!
Must get some semola di grano duro rimaccinata.
Love the score and colors!
Your loaf baked up into the most lovely rose - bet it's as delicious as it is beautiful!
:^) breadsong
thanks breadsong I always look at your amazinng loaves.....
thank you so much - I really appreciate your kind words! :^)
I am in complete awe! I want to bake this soon, I hope this weekend. Your scoring is absolutely beautiful, you made a masterpiece of a loaf!
I need to find the right flour, though... hope it's available in town
Hi everyone, a quick question
do you think this flour will work?
it's the only one I have here in town (and in fact, in my pantry!)
Hi Sally,
I guess tha Semolina it's not good for bread loaf, that is perfert for pasta and similar. You have to find the Semola di Grano Duro RIMACINATA...... the word RIMACINATA make the difference .....I can't help you because I'm Italian ( and you brasilian ....is't it ?? ) try to get on line the semola rimacinata and you wil be great with the Bread ....
Grazie mille! (yes, I am originally from Brazil)
Ok, I will have to then wait a little - I found a source for it online, coming from New York City, but they don't ship it right away, unless I would pay more than 50 bucks for the shipment, which I rather not.
I placed an order for it, and this weekend will make some other sourdough, but I might try your scoring, it is reallly the most beautiful effect I've seen in a looong while!
thanks for your input!
You can buy King Arthur Flours Durum flour. Make sure you buy the correct one per the link here :http://www.kingarthurflour.com/shop/items/king-arthur-extra-fancy-durum-flour-3-lb#3480#
I bought the other style which is only good for pasta but i put it in my coffee grinder and make it finer and it works fine.
Hi Sally .....good luck for the loaf :)
I will check in your blog the outcome.....
Very nice bread! The scoring is very inspiring and I am sure the flavour of that crust is something to crave as well. Great bake.
the flavour and the tast was realy good ...........thanks
... finally made this bread, it is singing (loudly) as it cools on the rack
Let's say I had a little trouble with the scoring, my flower doesn't qualify as such, but I'm hoping for a 'random-rustic" approach ;-)
Maybe you could make a little tutorial on your next rose bread?
Smells wonderful...
Thank's for sharing Sally,
it look realy very good ....try again the rose score ............if I ' ll be able I 'll post some more info ( photo ) about the rose score
Happy baking