The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Free pizza class with Peter Reinhart

PDLarry's picture

Free pizza class with Peter Reinhart

I took a free class with Peter Reinhart on on making pizza at home this week. First time homemade pizza was a hit with the family.

Margherita with the country pizza dough (25% WW)

dsadowsk's picture

So was this a webinar with Reinhart?

Ford's picture
PDLarry's picture

Yes, that's the one. You do need to register but it is free. They call this a mini-class because Reinhart has a more in-depth bread class at the same site, for a fee.

I thought it was really helpful, for me, to see how it's done from beginning to end. I learned a lot. You could almost feel his passion for pizza.

The country pizza dough recipe can be found here.

dabrownman's picture

looking pizza!  Thanks for the link

PDLarry's picture

Neo-Neapolitan pizza dough, as found here. Reinhart uses 4 stretch-and-fold's in this one.