apricot yeast water pumpkin loaves

Profile picture for user evonlim

the last bake was with raisins yeast water. it gave some super tasty loaves. trying my luck with some organic dried apricots this time, making yeast water. to my surprised it bubbles more and faster than the raisins. nice aroma and delicate sweetness. choices and supplies of flour is very limited. i only have bob's red mill graham flour on my shelve..hmm

steamed some japanese pumpkin and puree it. add 2 table spoon of maple syrup, 1 cup of toasted pumpkin seeds, 2 table spoon of pumpkin seeds oil.



here is the formula.. 

300gram graham flour

100gram bread flour 

100gram AP flour

300gram pumpkin puree

225gram apricot yeast water

200gram 100% hydration of avtive starter using yeast water 

autolysed for 30 mins, add

12gram sea salt

using SF method every 50 mins, 3 times, retard overnight in the fridge. brought it out rest for half an hour, shape it into 2 loaves. proof for 1 and half hour. baked 450F 20 mins covered and further 10 uncovered. 


2nd bake with apricot yeast water.

 used a newly discovered organic multigrain flour.. consist of wheat, bengal gram spilt dehusked, soybean, dehulled barley, fenugreek and psyllium husk.


added toasted brown sesame seeds and Nui coconut oil. 

same formula as above.. 









crumb and color.    As usual you use ingredients that I barely  know exist (Japanese pumpkin?)  and do wonderful things with them.   Nice baking!  -Varda

Can you explain how to make apricot yeast water???  Thanks Evon...

Yeast water, in all of its iterations, can be a million and one  different ways to leaven bread.  Where on earth do you get graham flour in Malaysia?  I can't find it here and have to grind my own.

Your bread baking is really getting good and we look forward to your interesting and inventive posts.  Even my apprentice is envious.

Very nice baking indeed!

hi Paul,

thank you for your kind words. i have less oportunity to experiment with fresh flour, i had to venture into other ingredients to enhance my bread baking experiment!! 


Another great looling and inventive bake!  I bet it must taste great and it certainly looks fantastic.


thanks Ian, i surprised myself too lol.. thank you for all the beautiful bread blogs and pictures. this is where i am today becos of great bakers right here at The Fresh Loaf!

looking forword for your next bake..


I love your innovative breads. It gives me courage to try new ingredients in my bread. I went hunting for purple carrots after seeing your earlier bread, but unfortunately have not located till date. Still searching. Pkease keep giving fresh ideas.

Hi Alpana,

thank you for loving what i baked :))

you should be able to find purple carrots in Singapore, especially in special organic shops. 

of course i will keep having fresh ideas cos i get bored easily with routine!! my weak point :(

keep baking..


Will check the organic stores. The best bet for exotic fruits & veggies in Singapore is Japanese supermarkets. But the less regular stuff is not available always, so I have to keep making trips (no hardship in that). 

Boredom is the best incentive for creativity :)

WOW! great looking crumb structure on those lovaes, and beautiful boules! Really inspiring stuff, Evon!