We 3 baked together Monday despite my total shoulder replacement surgery on the 12th, my sisters and I decided a batter bread would be doable and it worked. We, as usual, all took a little different twist on our breads, they all turned out lovely and delicious.
This first bread is Barb's. She used a recipe that included sour cream and looks yummy.... that hand is moving to the mouth... can you see it moving... LOL
She has walnuts in there too!
My bread is "nutless" but has an extra banana in it. Since I like a really moist and heady banana taste. See all those speckles of the banana in there. It is so very good...
Helen chose to use a banana coffee cake recipe so her's looks darker. All of us believe our bread is delicious and so do our tasters. Helen and Barb each made two loaves, I made one big loaf.
Here is Helen's bread with a schmear of cream cheese... and coffee waiting... lovely. Great job my sisters and great baking with you!
I wonder what we are doing next week???
Happy Baking, Diane
but later this week I will follow your lead again and make Gussied Up (of course) Brownman's Banana Bread with snockered dried fruits, chocolate chips and frosted in cream cheese icing with multi colored sprinkles and who knows what else :-) Ours has sour cream in it too - to activate the baking powder and make it even more chest grabbing than other more healthy kinds more sane people would make !
Glad to see your shoulder surgery wen well Diane. Baking already ....Very impressive indeed!
All of your takes on banana bread came out well and have to taste scrumptious.
I'm not sure why the puffed up crispy edges happen but that won;t stop me from venturing a couple (of about a dozen reasons) this might happen. First, I tossed all of my dark baking loaf pans to the back of the cupboard I won't use them. When using non yeasted leavening that are heat activated, like baking powder, the edge of the pan would heat up way faster than the rest of the loaf and sometimes it would poof up more than middle especially if my apprentice didn't do a great job of mixing things up as well as she should. I also like to use baking soda and powder together with a little acid like buttermilk and or sour cream in chemical leavened baked goods too. It think it rises better, not just heat activated, and doesn't have that chemical taste that B. Powder alone can have.
Once we got some Pyrex loaf pans at Goodwill the problems, including burning, with chemical leavened breads in dark tins went away. But, it could be something else that only my apprentice knows and she isn't talking to me right now..... after she found out I was trying to recruit another two legged Roadrunner as another apprentice this past weekend. She can pout when she isn't being pushy, eating, asleep or pooping in your shoes :-)
Here it is. I finally got some frozen ripe bananas out of the freezer for this. Added an extra one to 4 for this batch since they were frozen. I cut back the sugar by 25% and added oats in place of 1/3 C of flour. Used walnuts and almonds for the nuts, raisins, cranberries, prunes and apricots for the snockerd fruits and used chocolate chips too. Baked it to 180 F on the inside - took an hour at 350 F.
Banana bread always smells up house so nice when it baking. It reminds me of Spring. Glad to almost bake with you GMA's again this week.
Happy baking.
That is a great looking loaf of banana bread, I put four bananas in mine too.... yours has so many good ingredients in there. I am sure it is heavenly. Glad you could bake with us... this is always so much fun! Get my staples out on Wednesday... I should be unstoppable after that!!! LOL... I hope I don't run into any really big magnetic fields and get beamed up!
See ya here soon.
explains why my apprentice is the way she is! When she was younger and in her S & M stage, she had a chain collar that she was very fond of. I'm guessing she was beamed up by someone other than Scotty and subjected to medical experimentation that makes S& M she favored look like candy. Poor thing! You better be careful because poor Lucy has never recovered for her ordeal with Alien Doctors!!
Glad you liked the BB. Hope your recovery goes well too.
It's fun baking with you GMA's.
No longer the humble loaf of junior high school home economics! Your combination of goodies added to bananas--what a heady aroma that must have been, only to be surpassed by the great taste. With all the extra sniffing abilities of your assistant, she must have thought she had been transported to a cloud somewhere beyond. There must be a place in their dreams where they can have all the butter they want and they don't need to watch over these pesky humans who don't know how to share well.
I think you are right about the loaf pans and heat conduction. Glad that I mentioned the type of pan. That would explain why sometimes the dough curls like that and sometimes it doesn't. Those pans were particularly dark since sometime in the fairly distant past I had sprayed that oil and flour combination on them. They have now been chastised and sent to the back of the cupboard where they will no doubt never again see the light of day...or the warmth of an oven for that matter.
Glad you could bake with us this week. Diane will direct us to another no kneading adventure soon, hope you will bake with us again this week.
knows that when ever chocolate goes in anything she is less likely to get any of it since chocolate is bad for dogs. Still, it doesn't stop her begging for it and dreaming about it :-)
This bread was baked in a very shiny large loaf tin, the dark ones just don't work well for me for some reason. It rose up well and baked up nicely brown even though, after I put it in the mini oven, I noticed that I had forgotten to put in the snockered fruits. So out it came, was de-panned, the fruits mixed in, the tin washed, dried and sprayed again and the mix reloaded, all none the worse for wear it seems. Still it took forever to bake. It was very wet with the frozen and extra banana
I'm glad I tested it with the thermometer too. At 45 minutes the cake tester and skewer came out clean several times but the inside was only 140 F. It could have easily gone to 185 F but I took it out at 180 F and it was set enough not to fall. Just too yummy .....so I ate a slice to make sure it wasn't poisonous and froze the rest. It slices very well when frozen and out of sight is out of mind...and mouth.
I've never done any no knead bread baking as popular as it is. Will see what you ladies come up with next week and will join in if my apprentice lets me. I still need to make that Luscious Lemon Tea Cake.
Happy Twisted Sister Baking.