The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Hello fellow bakers, from just outside of Philadelphia

pepperhead212's picture

Hello fellow bakers, from just outside of Philadelphia

I'm actually in Woodbury, NJ, right over the river, but probably nobody knows that town!  As in many places, the only way to get good bread here, is to bake it myself.  I started baking bread to save money, back in '75, when I belonged to a co-op, and fell in love with homemade bread immediately.  I haven't bought bread since '76, unless you count tortillas, which I used to make, until good ones became available at Mexican grocers nearby.  I always have three sourdough starters ready - liquid, solid, and rye - and I make about equal amounts of sourdough and yeast breads.  I read bread books (and other cookbooks, for that matter) like some people read novels - I figure,  why read something if I can't put the information to good use?

Somebody on a gardening forum reminded me of this site (I think I looked at it 5 or 6 years ago?), and I figured I'd check it out again; I'm glad I did!    I grow a lot of my own food, since I cook just about everything I eat; not too much of that goes into the breads, except herbs, but a lot goes with the breads.  I don't eat as much bread as most people, since much of the food I make is Asian (I guess I could have bread instead of rice, but it's not the same!),  but when I want bread, it has to be the best!  And I'm always looking to learn more about making it.   Looking forward to sharring info!





Ford's picture

Hello Dave,

On behalf of Floyd, Dorota, and the rest of us, welcome to our forum.  I look forward to your contributions to the discussions.  I live in North Carolina; for many years I have baked almost all of the bread (mostly sourdough) that we eat.  I still count myself an an amateur.


pepperhead212's picture

Thanks for the welcome, Ford.

 Mad dog - check your messages.  Info on older books I learned from.  Sour rye is good, but I have made hundreds of loaves with yeast that are much better than storebought, and you can easily do the same.  You really don't want it similar that that you buy in stores! LOL


I676's picture

Nice to encounter some fellow denizens of the Philly region on here. Hello, and yo! I don't really grow my own food, sour am just getting into sourdough. See you around TFL!

pepperhead212's picture

Thanks for the source info, Josh. Always looking for local growers to buy from. Look forward to seeing more of both of you on TFL.
