First Croissants - It's taken me twenty years to buck up the courage to have a go at a croissant recipe!
Hi Everybody,
It's about eight weeks since I posted my easy white bread recipe - thanks for all your help and suggestions with that!!! I put your link on Squidoo saying how great you are and people have been clicking out so I hope you got some new members?!
I've now, after holding off for about twenty years!!! (and eight weeks) had a couple of goes at croissants and been delighted with the result. I got the confidence after making so much ordinary bread - and when I paid an extortionate amount for a croissant at 4am at an airport when I missed my flight!!
However... even though I've read loads and tried to incorporate everything in my recipe - and they taste heavenly!! I'm sure there are things you could improve! So if any of you guys (and gals!) could have a look and give me some tips that would be awsome!!!
My aim is to help people save money and reconnect with their food - if you've made it you know what's in it!
Here's the link: Homemade Bread: Croissant Recipe.
They look delicous. A picture of a cut croissant speaks in volume if you want some feedback. From what I see just some improvement on shaping. I would stretch the triangle a few inches before shaping. Shape a little tighter it seems. A video would make a bit more sense of this and I bet theres a bunch on youtube. Lastly I'd space them a touch more so the entire croissant gets deep golden brown.
Great Baking
Hi Josh,
Thanks - that's really helpful!!!
I'd thought they were a bit 'stumpy!'... If it's okay with you I'll post your tips into my guest book - I'll credit you and put a link to this thread (if I can work out the technology - was born pre computers!!).
I'll also hunt out a video on Youtube - I saw a few when I was writing it and didn't find one that was just right, so ummed and r'ed and decided not to include one. But now you've suggested it I'll definitely hunt one out annd add it. Might not be till later but I'll try and do it today. If anybody knows a good one let me know!
Best wishes,