I'm putting together a little food film festival in February (I know, alliteration is everything). I have three films already - Greenhorns, Our Daily Bread and Jiro Dreams of Sushi but am short of a decent film about baking. I've googled it and had a quick scan of the search results here but haven't quite found what I'm after... After reading a few posts here I have The Baker and A Wedding For Bella as standbys, particularly the last one which might be good for the valentines slot, but it's still not about the bread, and artisinal baking that I'm after. It would be great if Kevin Kossowan could do a feature but we may have to wait on that... Anybody know any good features or docs that might fit, educate and enthuse?
Okay, so the move isn't exactly about baking but there are some scenes that might fit the bill ...
As to foodie movies, "The Big Night" is wonderful! Such a paean to a great meal!
I haven't seen this film but it got excellent reviews. It is about the Meilleurs Ouvriers de France competition. You can get more information here: http://kingsofpastry.com/film/.
I hear Jiro Dreams of Sushi is a great one. I am still looking for a copy. Good viewing!
Was reading Zite tonight and this article happened to pop up: http://www.thehungrymouse.com/2009/10/09/fifty-movies-for-foodies-plus-my-top-five-favs/
Hopefully there's at least a couple that you might find helpful.
Hi futureproof. Not about baking, unfortunately, but I assume you know the WONDERFUL Babette's Feast - a food celebration movie par excellence.
Jiro Dreams Of Sushi - great pick. I reviewed this one on release (here, if interested).
Good concept, a food/bread related film fest! I'm curious - if you don't mind elaborating, is it for a private group of like-minded people or a bigger, commercially orientated venture?
Thanks for the suggestions so far, keep them coming :)
The concept Ross is kind of in between. It's open to the public and was going to be free until we found out how much we have to pay to air them legitimately, so there may be a small entrance fee. Still we only have a small cafe so it couldn't be large or commercial if we tried. After years of forcing barely edible bricks of flour on my family we got to the stage where the bread was good enough to sell at the farmers markets. It proved to be pretty successful to the point where we were doing 5 or 6 markets a week last summer, including one in our local town that we helped get started. We started supplying hotels, restaurants and food festivals until the dept of health stepped in and told us we needed to be inspected which would have cost way too much - I couldn't even tell you where the septic system is let alone get it approved- so we picked the kitchen up and moved it into town. As long as we were paying rent we might as well sell sandwiches, coffee, soup etc and that was it - I own a cafe and a bakery, and all because of bread.
February is a lean time so we're planning a few events to get people in the door. Local food, sustainable food and good food is our mantra so the food + film thing was an easy connection. We probably couldn't fit 30 people in our place but I'm already thinking about renting the movie hall for next years do and getting some chef buddies to throw something together :)
Oh and the health inspector comes in every week... as a customer, so we must be doing something right!
I'm glad you mentioned "how much we have to pay to air them legitimately." Lots of folks think, mistakenly, that because they don't charge to show a movie that it's okay to do so. Nope. That FBI statement about only showing in your own home is serious and the studios are willing to spend beaucoups bucks on making a small over-stepper into a cause celeb. It's much cheaper to pay for the permission than to hire a lawyer only to lose a copyright violation charge in court and get nailed.
Yakitate is a good manga series with bread baking as the focus, article includes link to North America distributor.
Check Youtube using search term Yakitate Japan english dub (you need to click the caption icon to see the English)
for example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCrCRsIt9c4
It doesn't get better than Tampopo for food films!
Probably wine and cheese, I don't have a cheese film, though I can name some cheezy ones.... (oooh that was baaad)
A Good Year is sort of about wine, and it has Russel Crowe
Bottle Shock is definitely about wine, and it has Alan Rickman
You've got to put Sideways right at the top of the list for charm! And influence. It singlehandedly made a laughing stock of merlot (unjust!) and put pinots on the sexy list.
A French one earlier this year was a voyeuristic treat for those who dream of sipping gorgeous priceless drops from a Bordeaux cellar, although won't be winning any awards: Tu Sera Mon Fils (You Will Be My Son).
And for a fun bit o fluff in the gastro genre: Le Chef.
One of the all time best foodie movies.
Obviously, "A Matter of Loaf and Death" is the best movie about baking, ever.
The first film I thought of -- "The Baker's Wife" -- a Marcel Pagnol film in French based on a Giono novel. Baking and the bakery are central to story. It's an oldie (1938), may be easier to secure the rights to present? Dunno. Here's the IMDB entry: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0030127/.
I did not check up-thread when I posted earlier, as I thought this film would have been, like, the first entry on a food-related film-thread on a bread-related forum. This is indeed a good flick, and is probably more liked by foodie-types for its portrayal of a boulanger. As a related side-note, Christophe Vasseur has named a sourdough he makes en homage, his pain Pagnol.
Thanks for your suggestions, keep them coming folks!
So far we have the rights for Ingredients ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1352720/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 ) and The Greenhorns ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1776996/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2 ) and a number of Kevin Kossowans shorts ( http://www.kevinkossowan.com/ ).
Just need one more and I think that'll be it for this year... probably something mushy for valentines night :)
Ratatouille was one of my favorite!