August 14, 2012 - 11:54am
Is there any place in DC areas that gives lessons?
I'm a good cook and a pretty good baker, but I want to improve and while I can look at pictures and watch videos, it's not the same as being with someone and seeing and feeling it for real.
I look at KA classes, but that's a major drive for me and they are alway, always sold out so far in advance. I try to search online and find nothing local, but how can that be? I live in the Baltimore/DC area. There HAS to be something around here? I found a couple 'sort of' things, but not a real bread baking, especially getting into artisan style baking classes for the home cook.
Any suggestions or anyone here locally willing to teach me more?
Quoting from that Washington Post listing:
And I did google and didn't find that! I searched for 3 pages and got things in Oregon and Denver Colorado, but not DC area - go figure... now to figure if any of these are feasible to do! Thanks!
And hope you find something that will work out for you!