Earlier today Chicago Amateur Bread Bakers hosted the July 2012 #BreadChat on Twitter. New for 2012, #BreadChat is a Twitter discussion hour for bakers of yeasted, artisanal breads.
This month we focussed on bread formulas. We were delighted to welcome back Eric Duhamel (@EricFrenchBaker), Master Baker at Daylesford Organic, as co-host.
Below is the transcript of the chat. Please read from bottom to top, Twitter-style.
Miquel Saborit Vilà @MESKPA @EricFrenchBaker not problem. Talk in the next #BreadChat thank you and good night. ÷
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers Thank you ! I'm going for good now. ;-) #BreadChat
ricky hay @zacsbakehouse #BreadChat thanks guys
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @MESKPA Sorry, I don't remember but there is no much photos of French ovens in this book if my memory is good. #BreadChat
Miquel Saborit Vilà @MESKPA @AmateurBakers thank you, bona nit! #BreadChat
Miquel Saborit Vilà @MESKPA @EricFrenchBaker fountain??? Do yo remember the page of oven photo? #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EricFrenchBaker Goodnight, Eric! #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @zacsbakehouse @turanobaking @vfjam @theloafltd Thank you for participating in today's #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @OnBlank @English_Cocker @dessertdoctor Thank you for participating in today's #BreadChat!
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @MESKPA @bread_source @goldengoats Thank you for participating in today's #BreadChat!
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor Exciting, may we "beta" test it? #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker I have to go now... Have all a good evening, afternoon, day or night, depending on where you are. :-) #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers If you've been listening into today's #BreadChat, please say hello, and tell us where you're listening from.
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @AmateurBakers #breadchat The android app isn't done yet but should have some time to finish it next week. Will tweet when its done!
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @MESKPA This fountain is not far from my house. ;-) #BreadChat
Miquel Saborit Vilà @MESKPA @EricFrenchBaker tell me, tell me... #breadchat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @MESKPA There is a mistake on a photo of a French wood fired oven from Aveyron. It's not an oven. It's a built fountain. #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor Where may we learn more about your Android app? #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @MESKPA I've got an anecdote about the Bread Builder... #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor @EricFrenchBaker @TheTinyBakery Thank you for your lively participating in today's #BreadChat
steven winter @bread_source Its a good night from me, well done @EricFrenchBaker % formula questions are never easy to answer, and on twitter even harder! #breadchat
Miquel Saborit Vilà @MESKPA My favorit books: the Bread, the bread builders, hecho a mano, brod... #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers However, I'll have to go for the diner... ;-) #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers We'll be announcing the date of the August #BreadChat soon. Monitor http://www.amateurbakers.org/p/breadchat.html for updates.
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers Thanks to you. It's always a pleasure to share. #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Keep an eye out for the #BreadChat transcript, which will be posted @thefreshloaf in the next few days.
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @AmateurBakers #breadchat Really enjoyed it. Thanks everyone!
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat massive thank you for all your advice and experience...loads to think about and read up on!
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakersn A big thank you to our co-host, @EricFrenchBaker #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @TheTinyBakery Yes, that's it. After, it's a question of experience and tests. #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Bakers are welcome to stay on and continue the chat as long as they wish. #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers And that's a wrap for today's #BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @TheTinyBakery #breadchat me too. I tried a rhubarb and custard loaf: sloppy mess!
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat do you therefore adjust your hydration downwards, and if so, how do you know how much to reduce by?
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @TheTinyBakery Lately, we make a bread with grated fresh apples. Before addition of apple, the dough is stiff, after, very soft. #BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @AmateurBakers #breadchat For my own baking I live with the inconsistent calculations
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @TheTinyBakery Fresh fruits or veggies can release water in the dough. They can also change the chemistry.#BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers #BreadChat has been on for an hour and is still going strong. We'll continue the chat a few minutes more.
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor Which do you do, for you own baking? #BreadChat
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery re q.8 #BreadChat soft fresh fruit has caused me problems in the past!
Miquel Saborit Vilà @MESKPA @EricFrenchBaker @amateurbakers @eastcourtmanor is same in Spain #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers Ideally, yes. The butter can also introduce a weakening factor due to its fatty nature which is not hydration. #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @MESKPA @EricFrenchBaker @EastcourtManor Miquel, please tell us more. #BreadChat "is same in spain"
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat I always assume anything wet (including eggs, butter etc) should be counted in the hydration
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @AmateurBakers #breadchat Q8: Eggs/butter/milk. Great question!
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor Exactly the same way as in the final formula for the bread. Always work on the same basis. #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Q8: When expressing hydration in a formula, do you calculate water contained in milk, eggs, butter, for example? #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Very last question... #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor If the concept looks weird, it's actually easier to understand the structure of the formula .#BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @AmateurBakers #breadchat Starter hydration: good spot and no I'm not being consistent with myself there! Not thought about that before...
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EricFrenchBaker @EastcourtManor In French bakery, how do you express %flour and %hydration in your pre-ferment? #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor So, it's not an absolute percentage but more something comparable with the quantity of flour. #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor In French bakery, we use the %age of the ingredients based on their ratio with the total flour.#BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @TheTinyBakery Your bread looks beautiful by the way...#breadchat
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery v confident my Rye one is 100% as have fed it that way from the start. not sure about the wheat one though #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor But you don't express starter hydration (100g) as %total flour (600g) to get 16.7% starter hydration...or do you? #BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @TheTinyBakery I do think feel is important. Get the feel RIGHT but weight the ingredients as they go in #breadchat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @TheTinyBakery This leaven is 60 % Hydration, so : 1000 g of flour + 600 g of water as a basis (plus the starter). #BreadChat
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat is there a way i can test my starter to see what hydration it is now? I currently go by how it 'feels'
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @TheTinyBakery For example, I have one natural leaven which is used in, at least, 5 different recipes every day. #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Q7: German bakers use a statistic called "Teigausbeute (TA)" = (dough weight) divided by (flour weight). Ever use this? #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @TheTinyBakery Exactly. A pre-ferment is independent from the final bread recipe has it can be used in several different ones. #BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor #breadchat I know 65% is a sweetspot for my favourite flour so I adjust the other variables to allow for that: power of the formula!
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @goldengoats Welcome to #BreadChat!
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat @EricFrenchBaker do you mean 'it's own flour" is the flour you are feeding the starter with?
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers Metric system is the only way to use something simple, universal and convertible easily. #BreadChat
Caroline Saunders @goldengoats #breadchat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor Like as @EricFrenchBaker writes: "hydration of a pre-ferment is like an independent formula, based on own flour" #BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @TheTinyBakery #breadchat easy example: My recipe is 200g starter (at 100% hydration) 290g water 500g flour = (390 water / 600 flour) = 65%
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor Really interesting (& my preference, too) but most bakers I've met define starter hydration as % of starter flour #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker To make things easy to understand, the hydration of a pre-ferment is like an independent formula. So based on its own flour. #BreadChat
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat could you give a quick/easy example?
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor #breadchat Q6. Total Flour.
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor @EricFrenchBaker I've yet to meet a serious U.S baker who uses anything but grams, grams, grams. #BreadChat
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat I am already imagining the spreadsheet fun I am going to have with this ;)
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @TheTinyBakery % Hydration = 100 * Water (or liquids) / Flour #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Q6: How you you express starter hydration, as % of starter flour, or % of total flour? #BreadChat @TheTinyBakery
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor #breadchat Imperial measures :-(
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @TheTinyBakery Starter hydration, interesting question. Some express it as ratio of starter flour, other as ratio of total flour #BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers #breadchat I'm working on an Android app to deal with preferment and hydration...
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor @EricFrenchBaker "working on an Android app to deal with preferment and hydration... " Please tell us more! #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor For the hydration and my formulas, my best tool is by spreadsheet program. #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers For US/UK books, something terrible : the imperial measures !! :-) #BreadChat
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat is there a way to work out starter hydration easily?
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @TheTinyBakery Starter hydration, interesting question. Some express it as ratio of starter flour, other as ratio of total flour #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker Otherwise, for the books, I usually use them for getting some ideas when I don't have any... ;-) #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor @EricFrenchBaker "working on an Android app to deal with preferment and hydration... " Please tell us more! #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Q5: When reading US/UK bread books, is anything specific to your language/country missing from bread formulas? #BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers #breadchat I'm working on an Android app to deal with preferment and hydration...
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers In fact, it's the same for the rate of salt too. You need the formula of your pre-ferment for your final formula. #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers #BreadChat Question 5 is for those listening in, who haven't said hello yet...
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers If you don't get the hydration of your pre-fermentation, you can't get your final hydration. #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @OnBlank Welcome to #BreadChat!
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @English_Cocker Thank you for sharing your bread success with us. Please focus today's chat on topic of bread formulas. #BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @English_Cocker #breadchat Sigh...I love that feeling too
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EricFrenchBaker Agrred. "Something can be confusing : the presence of a pre-fermentation without its hydration rate." #BreadChat
Kristina @OnBlank @AmateurBakers I made it! Looks like a great #breadchat so far!
Cocker Spaniel @English_Cocker @dessertdoctor #BreadChat I loved the kneeding. To see the dough change and become elastic was a great feeling
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers Yes, sorry, my mistake... 10g of yeast for 1000 g of flour. So, it's the same for salt, no more than 18g ideally. #BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor #breadchat So many wonderful baking books, but Jeffrey Hamelman's Bread is very special for formulas
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Q4: Do you like to bread out pre-ferment ingredients in a formula? #BreadChat Pre-ferment = poolish, biga, levain, sponge, for example
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat The food standards agency (UK Gov body) set salt target at 1g to 100g final product by 2012 (sorry will move to q2 now)
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EricFrenchBaker Do you mean 1% yeast? (not 10%) #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers Something can be confusing : the presence of a pre-fermentation without its hydration rate. #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Q3: Have you favorite books that use bread formulas? #BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor #breadchat #sourdough starter: 40% by weight. Woof!
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Will ask a few questions, and we can chat about all simultaneously... #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers For a fancy bread with fat and/or sugar, it can be more. #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Q2: When you look at a bread formula, what information is most meaningful to you? Is anything confusing? #BreadChat
james campbell @dessertdoctor @English_Cocker #BreadChat great effort.the greatest thing about baking breadVery personal formulas or recipes aside, you get a feel for it
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers For the yeast, I would say no more than 10 % for a plain bread, usually less. #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers We should move on to some of our other questions... #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @TheTinyBakery Please tell more about UK gov guidelines #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @TheTinyBakery For yeast, try reducing until you find the minimum you can use, to produce desired result. #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers Talking about salt, it should be no more than 1.8 % for an "healthy" diet. #BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @AmateurBakers @TheTinyBakery Fascinating difference between US and UK views on best level of salt...#breadchat
Miquel Saborit Vilà @MESKPA @EricFrenchBaker I hope, recipe it's a formula contrasted and formula is possible recipe. #BreadChat
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat interesting on the salt levels, does this work out at more than 1% of the final weight? just thinking about UK gov guidelines
Cocker Spaniel @English_Cocker @dessertdoctor will try next time not feeding it. It tasted great btw. It cut well and if you pressed the bread it bounced back #BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor #breadchat How would you vary proportion of #sourdough starter when the weather is so warm? I usually vary timing rather than formula...
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat - thank you, this is really helpful! What might be better to aim for with yeast and salt
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @TheTinyBakery At 1.6%, your bread would likely taste lovely with salty cheese/salami. Salt usually 1.8-2.2%. #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker First of all, how do you make a difference between a recipe and a formula, please ? #BreadChat
steven winter @bread_source @EricFrenchBaker English say recipe, Americans say formula. #breadchat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @bread_source Thanks for clarifying. For me, I would say that a recipe is a formula with the explanations... ;-) #BreadChat
ricky hay @zacsbakehouse #breadchat with a formula you def get a better understanding of whats happening in the dough...
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat thankfully I do understand bakers %ages, just not used before, but i can see there would be advantages as I am growing so fast
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @bread_source @EricFrenchBaker US: recipe is generic, a description of how to make a dish. Formula means total flour weight=100% #BreadChat
steven winter @bread_source @EricFrenchBaker I agree #breadchat
james campbell @dessertdoctor @English_Cocker #breadchat interesting, what would have happened there is that you would have fed the yeast, made it very active I think
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor @TheTinyBakery Exactly right, made same calcs. You can see that salt is on the low side, your yeast, on high side #BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @AmateurBakers @TheTinyBakery #breadchat I would say salt is about right...I aim for 1.4% http://www.food.gov.uk/news-updates/news/2010/jul/bakers
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @bread_source Before to be able to do so, you need to practice and understand. A formula is, then, an excellent tool. #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @TheTinyBakery Yes, start by weighing dry flour. Then weigh other ingredients, and express them as ingredient weight/flour weight #BreadChat
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat - thank you, this is really helpful! What might be better to aim for with yeast and salt
steven winter @bread_source I used to work with a lot of bakers who didn't use %, guys coming through all do thankfuly, home bakers should all adopt this too #breadchat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @bread_source Sorry to disagree. A baker who doesn't use proportions is a virtuoso or doesn't reach the consistency.#BreadChat
Cocker Spaniel @English_Cocker @dessertdoctor Messy . I enjoyed the process once I had worked out that it's better to activate instant yeast first with sugar #BreadChat
steven winter @bread_source @EricFrenchBaker English say recipe, Americans say formula. #breadchat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @TheTinyBakery #breadchat That's it. Helps you judge how much to vary the yeast and water...even as batch sizes change
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Welcome to #BreadChat, @MESKPA.
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery I use fresh yeast. #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker First of all, how do you make a difference between a recipe and a formula, please ? #BreadChat
Vine @vfjam #breadchat isn't formula and recipe same kind of thing?
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor @TheTinyBakery Exactly right, made same calcs. You can see that salt is on the low side, your yeast, on high side #BreadChat
steven winter @bread_source I used to work with a lot of bakers who didn't use %, guys coming through all do thankfuly, home bakers should all adopt this too #breadchat
Cocker Spaniel @English_Cocker @dessertdoctor also added a tea spoon of sugar. While the dough was proving it spread out and didn't stay in a large ball shape. #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor @TheTinyBakery Are you using fresh/cake yeast? #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker Baking without formula is like playing music without music score... #BreadChat
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery so if I moved away from a recipe & used a formula, when planning my day's bake, do I start with dry weight flour? #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker A formula helps to understand the relations between the ingredients and keep the consistency. #BreadChat
Turano Baking Co. @turanobaking Great job! Looks delicious. #breadchat RT @English_Cocker: I made my first bread last week by hand #BreadChat http://pic.twitter.com/BGDKdQF2
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @bread_source Welcome to #BreadChat. Please tell us why you feel this way--- we want details :-)
Miquel Saborit Vilà @MESKPA Good night to all. #BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor #breadchat In this weather we definitely need to reduce the yeast in our recipes...question is how much
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @TheTinyBakery #breadchat 70% hydration = fairly wet; 1.6% salt; 2.4% yeast
james campbell @dessertdoctor @dessertdoctor: @English_Cocker looks good, very cathartic thing making bread by hand, well done you. How did you find it? #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @bread_source Indeed, it's like a good scale ! #BreadChat
steven winter @bread_source Howdy all, Just a brief visit from me tonight, #breadchat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Q1: Why are bread formulas important/useful to you? Do you use bread formulas when you bake bread? #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers As I said, a formula is essential. Without this, you will take much longer to understand when you fail for example #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Welcome to #BreadChat, @zacsbakehouse!
Vine @vfjam #breadchat would certain formulas or % affect rising and final proofing times
steven winter @bread_source A recipe/formula for bread aren't important they are everything! #breadchat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @bread_source Indeed, it's like a good scale ! #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Nice work, @English_Cocker! Welcome to #BreadChat
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker Good evening (or morning, or else) to all #BreadChat
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat I haven't worked out my bakers percentages really, normally around 500g flour, 350 liquid, 8 salt, 12 yeast as a base
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Q1: Why are bread formulas important/useful to you? Do you use bread formulas when you bake bread? #BreadChat
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @English_Cocker #breadchat Nice looking loaf! What was it like inside?
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers A big welcome to our #BreadChat co-host, @EricFrenchBaker! We're on question 1.
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBakers Using a formula helps to keep the consistency or, at least understand what's happening #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat Formula format allows one to see hydration and other characteristics of your bread, at a glance, for example.
ricky hay @zacsbakehouse @AmateurBakers Sorry am late guys, just joining #BreadChat
Cocker Spaniel @English_Cocker @dessertdoctor I made my first bread last week by hand #BreadChat http://pic.twitter.com/bXiUs6iH
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @TheTinyBakery #breadchat ...my immediate thought - what is the proportion of ingredients?!
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers @EastcourtManor #BreadChat When you compare one bread formula with another, what do you for?
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat - but I'd like to know if moving to using a formula instead would help me?
Eric Duhamel @EricFrenchBaker @AmateurBaker Sorry for being late but my connection has some trouble... #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Q1 (put another way): Why are bread formulas important/useful to you? #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Welcome to #BreadChat, @dessertdoctor! Our UK bakers are well represented tonight.
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery #BreadChat No - I use a recipe for 1 loaf which I scale up for each batch I do, but as I knead by hand it's always a small quantity
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor #breadchat I do find formulas a good way of understanding what is going on between different bread recipes
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers or Q1 (put another way): Why are bread formulas important/useful to you? #BreadChat
james campbell @dessertdoctor #BreadChat joining from sunny Berkhamstead for my first bread chat!!
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Q1: Do you use bread formulas when you bake bread? #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers We'll get started with question #1 now... #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers In today's chat, we'll assume our bakers use weight, preferably expressed in grams, and we'll ask questions about bread formulas. #BreadChat
Turano Baking Co. @turanobaking @AmateurBakers we're chatting with all of you from sunny Chicago #breadchat
Vine @vfjam Hello from the uk #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Hello, @vfjam! Welcome to #BreadChat. It's hot here in Chicago, too. Over 100F/38C. Makes breadmaking a particularly fun challenge :-)
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Welcome to #BreadChat, @EastcourtManor! Glad to have you with us.
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery Hello, I am joining from Milton Keynes in the UK - #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Today we're chatting about bread formulas. #BreadChat
Vine @vfjam Time for #breadchat. It's a warm one here in the uk!
Turano Baking Co. @turanobaking @TheTinyBakery we're here! Ready to talk #bread #breadchat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Welcome to #BreadChat, @TheTinyBakery! Happy to have you with us.
Eastcourt Manor @EastcourtManor @AmateurBakers @turanobaking Good evening from the UK! #breadchat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Be sure to mark each of your tweets with the hashtag #BreadChat, so everyone can hear you and follow the discussion.
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers
Today we'll be chatting about bread formulas. #BreadChat
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers When you come online, say hello and (optionally) tell us where you're tweeting from (include country, please!). #BreadChat
Venetta Leyland @TheTinyBakery Joining my first #BreadChat this evening :) anyone else coming too?
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Welcome to #BreadChat, @turanobaking!
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Welcome to #BreadChat!
Turano Baking Co. @turanobaking Join in on the #breadchat hosted by @AmateurBakers if you're a lover of all things bread!
ChicagoAmateurBakers @AmateurBakers Wondering what #BreadChat is all about? Read here: http://www.amateurbakers.org/p/breadchat.html @AmateurBakers/BreadBakersAroundTheWorld ChicagoAmateurBakers