Dough Boy Fresh Is Servin Dinna!
Welcome to Dough Boy Fresh's Fresh Bread Blog!
I've recently started baking bread, and I've got my fourth or fifth loaf in the oven as I write. The following are some of my bread's. I've included a pie because the crust turned out very well. If I don't say so myself.
This here is my first loaf ever. It had some problems needless to say. But hey, I'm gettin better.
This is my second loaf. I actually used some old wine yeast in this one. It wasn't as sour as I would have liked, but that starter has potential. I put some garlic in it. Look at that crumb, and tell me you don't like it. Only main flaw was underproofing.
This is that pie I promised. It was lemon meringue. I used all butta baby in the crust and it turned out great. The water in the meringue condensed a bit though.
Well, that's it for now. I'll post my newest loaves as I get around to it.
You can invite me next time you are serving dinna, DoughBoyFresh! I love lemon meringue pie (with lots of lemon flavour). Welcome to TFL.
Thanks, Ruralidle! It feels good to be here.