March 7, 2012 - 1:09pm
Grease Hobart A200 ?
Hello to all,
First post-been lurking here on this great site for a long while :-((
Can anyone tell me how to remove the cover to expose the gears on a A200 Hobart mixer ?
See next post for drawing
I have removed all the screws holding part 57 and part 9-10 but can't get it to come up.
I have tried to prise it up from the body/frame by using a sharpened screwdriver and a hammer
but not getting even a crack. I suspect its the shaft bearing under 9-10 that is holding it.
Appreciate any ideas.
If #9-10 is just a cover for a shaft end, and the bearing was pressed onto the shaft and then the housing was pressed on to the bearing, you may need to use a wheel puller to get #57 off. Are there extra (deep, threaded) holes (other than for the screws that hold 9-10 in place) that might be intended to anchor such a tool? That doesn't sound like a maintainable design, and Hobarts are generally quite well designed, so I suspect that originally the cover was no tighter than an interference fit and that you just need some WD-40 to help free it up (though you may still need a wheel puller to persuade it to come off).
Chris ,
I just finished doing a complete disassemble/reassemble of the a200. I can tell you all about it. Let me know if you want to chat. By the way , there is more to unscrew than you mentioned to get 57 off. I could get in mine with just a few wrenches, allen key, putty knife (for the edge). The fun part is taking all those gears apart. having a specific problem? My first gear would not work under load but it's all good now.
Mine first gear won't work under load right now either. any ideas?
Thanks - I just bought this A200 - big disapointment as it is 1/3 HP not 1/2 HP
like I thought all A200's were. Must be a very early model.
I have not run it under load ( keeping my fingers crossed) and wanted to clean
out the old grease and look at the gears before. I will look again and see if I have missed
anything that's holding the cover plate down. It has two dowels/pins that stop
side movement but not upward movement. Dont have a wheel puller so I'd have to rig up something .
Its cast iron so I can't get too rough with the hammer.
Hobarts service manual probably says " use Special Tool HB23rs76 to remove cover"
If I cant get it off I'll just bung some grease down the two holes in the cover plate.
Thanks lots!
How did it go? Been away for a while.
Me too , been away for 6 weeks. I found out that the mixer was rotating in the
wrong direction and I posted separately on that, but have not solved the problem.
I will have to wait till I get it down to a Hobart technician in Jamaica as they will
not service any machine in the USA unless it is in a restaurant. You cant take it in to them.
Two electic motor technicians have tried and failed.
Hi everybody,
i am fixing a hobart a200.
anyone can tell me the kind of grease i need.
i finded contrasting information on internet.
any multipurpuse grease is ok?