December 2, 2011 - 8:24am
My buddy and I are setting up Reinhart's panettone recipe to do 80 medium loaves. Last year we did the large ones (dont remember how many as there were other loaves done that day). This year we are just doing the panettone and will use commercial flour in the soaker. I love playing with all these big quantities, like 7 dozen eggs! I have a 16-20qt Hobart which make it possible. Will let you know how it turns out!
We're back! More crazy bread baking. Up since 4am pulling starter out of the fridge. (IB was looking rough this AM at 6 when I showed up. I was scolded for bringing McDonald's coffee. Don't worry, we hugged it out (that's a joke). Steep learning curve on mixing at scale got me behind schedule on the first batch, but by 8AM we were caught back up. Will post pic of schedule. It's nuts. -Smokestack)
What do you think of haning the loaves upside down to cool?
you don't need to hang them upside down if you're using whole eggs which I believe your recipe does. But I would advise testing anyway. Perhaps after cooking the first batch, hang them upside down all but one and see how it fares.
Thanks. We decided not to remembering that we didn't last year. What I do notice is that with the recipes from Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads they NEVER need all the water/liquid called for, so we end up adding a ton of flour (Probably my fault -SS). Can someone explain that to me? The other killer is doing these volumes of bread in a home oven (It's not so bad. The bottleneck lets the upcoming batch proof as long as it should... longer than my schedule called for. Still, next year I'm buying a used commercial oven. Doubt it not. [Related: IB's power bill is going to be breathtaking, simply breathtaking.] -SS).
How much coffee can one person really drink?
Some product. (not really , not selling it) We are wetter than the recipe and bumped up temp to 345F.
80 loaves? 80 LOAVES??? In a domestic oven? How....?
Actually, we goofed on some starter calculations so is was 64. Started at 4am and ended around 10pm. But today got a connection for possible use of a commercial oven so maybe next year.....
Merry Christmas!
Sam and Matt.