November 30, 2011 - 12:23pm
Kiln Shelf for Pizza Stone
I saw this Kiln Shelf at a good price. (
27 lbs. Sounds sturdy to me.
Any thoughts on its use as a pizza stone? How do I tell if it is treated/coated?
Ask for an MSDS sheet, but I'm sure you're ok. Although you'll have to cut it to make it fit into a standard 30" oven.
I have a number of kiln stones, some from Axner, and never had any trouble. I don't think it is treated, or coated, they look like the other cordierite stones I have.
A kiln shelf should work just fine for a baking stone (assuming you can get it sized right). In fact kiln shelves are a frequent recommendation (they seem to be the only straightforward way to buy small pieces of cordierite retail). Beware though any shelves that are hollow so they're lighter, as such things probably can't be cut.
However, be sure to completely ignore all the "helpful" suggestions for using it for pottery. Many pottery suppliers have no idea how to use it for a baking stone, and will -with the best of intentions- give you advice that's completely wrong for baking. If there's any talk about sealing or coating the stone -possibly with "slip"- or any talk about sanding or cleaning the stone, be sure to not do those things for use as a baking stone. They will partially defeat the purpose of the baking stone, make a big mess, introduce unnecessary difficulties, and possibly even harm your health.