coffee bread fit for a queen!

Profile picture for user freerk


One of my recipes, that  came together here on TFL, was a crown shaped coffee cake that I made in honor of my mother and mother in law. Both their names mean "queen".

It's based on a recipe my mother used to make when I was a kid. It is still being made today in its original form; I have tried to capture the scents and tastes of my mother's bread (technically a cake) in a "real bread", and I think over time I have succeeded.

Now I've made a video of the recipe. I hope you like it!

Happy Baking


P.S. You would do me a big favor endorsing my BreadLab iniative. Every "like" will get me closer to realizing a 6 episode documentary/road movie; chasing the best bread Europe has to offer. Thanks in advance!


I missed your first post about the bread in honour of your beloved mother. (Not many people sit in front of PC, checking through a bread forum between Christmas and a new year's eve!!!!)  Really glad you posted this to nudge me into that direction. What a lovely story and a beautiful bread. Thank you for sharing...and double thanks for the video!


Thanx Lumos!

And thanks for taking the time to react, I really appreciate it!

I am working my proverbial behind off at the moment. Today was sort of a crazy day: I have decided to become an assistant miller in a volunteer program. One Saturday morning or -afternoon for the next two years. I think it's just perfect and am all exited. There are three or four mills to choose from around Amsterdam... I haven't chosen yet. It's a pity that the one miller I know quite well and would be perfect is currently working a chalk mill... but he will be advising me on who he thinks I'll match with. I learned today there are 42 official millers (only!) left in Holland, so they all know each other quite well.

I just feel so ...... ridiculously....Dutch... all of a sudden.

Freerk (flicks off his wooden shoes, pinches the girl with the pearl earring in her cheek and chews on another tulip)


Volunteering at a miller sounds really fun! I quickly got on to internet to see if there's any similar scheme in my local area, but the only thing I've found was for 'Miller' the funeral director..... Not the sort of job I'm after, at the moment....:p

Thank you Varda!

I'm working hard to get my project ready for funding. If you are willing and able, here is  the BreadLab. Every "like" will bring me closer to realizing my goal of making a 6 episode documentary/road trip through Europe, chasing the best bread Europe has to offer :-)

I hope you like it, there is going to be a lot more to come!

Have a great week,


Fun browsing through the vids, the site and the facebook.  Of course, I LIKE!

Looking forward to the series.
