Micro-perforated bags for fresh bread storage


Here in warm, moist South Carolina, keeping fresh bread fresh is a challenge.  In something too air tight, the bread gets gummy or worse, molds!  Out in the open draws bugs.  So, I went on the hunt for "micro-perforated" plastic bags, knowing that I would probably have to get them in lots intended for bakeries.  After much shopping around online, telephone, etc., the best deal turned out to be a call to the local grocery store bakery.  They ordered an extra box for me and I got one-thousand micro-perforated bread bags for $25.  Yes, this is a lifetime supply but the rye bread is just right this morning having spent the night in one.

In my adventures looking for bread storage solutions, I found lots of folks selling cotton bags for this purpose.  One can't see through these, however.  For my purposes, micro-perforated bags are just the ticket.

Do check the bags from time-to-time...  plastics are not always forever and they can (and do!) break down.  If the bags get sticky or slimy or otherwise change characteristics, it may be time to dispose of them.

No, we don't have a true bread box -- not enough counter space.  We have been using a plastic storage box, finding the lid makes a handy cutting board for the bread -- but it's too air tight and the bread, like so much else around here, sweats -- even after it has totally cooled.  I also make breads with "stuff" in them (e.g. cinnamon, cheese, herbs, etc.) so we want the option of something washable or disposable.  I thought about poking holes in the plastic bin but that wrecks its bug-proof aspects -- and in South Carolina, we DO have bugs in the nicest of homes!  For us, bread in a micro-perf bag in the plastic bin with the lid stashed under it is turning out to be just the ticket.

Having 1000 bread bags is also helpful for giving bread away to my neighbors -- especially the neighbor who feeds and pills our geriatric cat three times a day when we are out of town!

to preserve fruit and vegetables, especially bananas.  The bread crust loses its crunch but the bread lasts for many days, if I baked too much, I throw the remaining bread into the oven for a few minutes and get a nice crunchy crust once again.


You can purchase crystal clear micro perforated bags for Artisan and Crusty breads from Prism Pak.  These are the same bags  that are used commercially.  They vent the moisture keeping the bread crust crsp and the interior soft.

Our perforated bags are strong, flexible with high gloss transparency giving an impressive display of your products.  We offer 6 convenient sizes, as well as 2 options of perforations - either 30 holes per square inch, or 160 holes per square inch.  30 hole/in2 is designed for partially cooled baked goods or produce. These perforated bags limit the exchange of moisture and heat and are designed to keep baked goods and produce fresher, longer. 160 hole/in2  are designed for baked goods hot out of the oven. The frequent pattern of tiny holes  allow heat and moisture to disseminate rapidly, thereby allowing your product to cool while maintaining crustiness. Micro Perforated bags are suitable for the packaging of all fresh produce giving rise to moisture release such as breads, cakes, cookies, cheese, fresh vegetables and flowers.  Conveniently stocked in boxes of 1000 bags per box

Check it out: http://www.prismpak.com/Micro-Perforated-Bags-s/128.htm


and I will buy them.  No one needs 1000 bags unless they are in the business.




I have some.  I bought them to try them out.  Personally I don't like them.  Bread gets hard fast I may as well  have just left them out on the counter unwrapped.

But that is just my observation.

Admittedly, I did give a 250-bag sheaf of bags to a friend but we (a house of just two adults) are getting to the bottom of our box of 1000 perforated bags.  We not only use them for bread but find they are great for fresh veggies.  I grab one when I am sending a scarf in a padded envelope.  (I'm having the world's slowest yard sale on Etsy.  Any of you all want to help "thin the herd" of years of accumulated stuff?  Or are you, as my brother puts it, "crap sufficient in your own home?") 

Anyway, back to the bags.  We will probably buy another box when this one is gone because they are  just handy to have around and very cheap compared to the usual consumer-sized boxes of plastic storage bags.