The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

dough relaxer?

jlewis30's picture

dough relaxer?

clazar123's picture

It is interesting to see what they have in the ingredient list. I wonder if it really does anything or just improves on the flavor so the baker is more prone to using it.

Just waiting 15 min before rolling out will make most dough wonderfully stretchier. Also, I use Kamut flour, sometimes, if I want a really stretchy dough,quickly, that i don't want to fight with.

MangoChutney's picture

It contains a list of fat, dairy, and acidifiers, which I think are all known for making baked goods more tender by interfering with the development of gluten.  Adding milk, butter, and whey to your dough would most likely do the same thing.  They've got baking soda in there, along with some acids and acid salts, to boost the leavening.  I am not sure what the purpose is for the soy flour.  Except for that, I would say that it looks like they are offering the non-wheat components of a milk-based sourdough, in powder form, plus some baking powder and some fat.  Probably the soy flour is just there to dilute the gluten proteins.

ananda's picture


If the specific function you were looking for is to relax the dough, then the key ingredient in that list is the inactive yeast.   Suas discusses this in "Advanced Breads and Pastry".

Most of the other ingredients are there for enrichment though they do soften the dough to make it more machineable.   The raising agents in the formula also break down gluten to some extent, and the acids used to mimic sourdough will break the dough down to some degree as well.

Soya flour is a standard filler for bread improvers and dough conditioners; it has a bleaching effect on the crumb, it enriches the dough to an extent; if it is enzyme active, then impacts on speed of fermentation and other reactions; and it is a mild oxidiser too.

The best dough improver is......time!

Best wishes


nicodvb's picture

Hi Andy,

can you elaborate on the influence of inactive yeast on the dough, please? I use it everyday as a protein supplement, I like the taste :-)

ananda's picture

Hi Nico,

De-activated yeast behaves in much the same way as the chemical L-Cysteine di Hydrochloride, or the Protease enzyme.   The cross bonds which strengthen dough [ELASTICITY] when formed during the mixing cycle [particularly when ascorbic acid is used], known as the disulphide inter-change, begin to break down [EXTENSIBILITY] thanks to the reducer.   High speed mixing achieves the same reduction by means of the high degree of energy imparted during the mixing cycle.   Fermentation is king for BFP and doughs using pre-ferments.

All Suas appears to imply is that using de-activated yeast as the dough reducer means using natural ingredients which means a clean label on the finished product.   I don't have any experience of using de-activated yeast in this way.

Very best wishes


jcking's picture

Active Dry Yeast has a bit of dead/de-activated yeast so it too contains a reducing agent/relaxer.


MangoChutney's picture

You're making me sorry I threw away that brick of 5-year-outdated active dry yeast powder.  Obviously it was a valuable bread additive.  It certainly wasn't active any more.  *laugh*