The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Interested in a TFL T-shirt, Ballcap?

jcking's picture

Interested in a TFL T-shirt, Ballcap?

How do you feel about wearing TFL apparel. If there's enough interest Floyd will look into it. Post your ideas for a slogan and wheather you're interested in a purchase here.

yy's picture

I'm in support of TFL apparel! I'm already picturing the occasional pleasure of spotting a fellow TFLer out in the real world.

DorotaM's picture

I did post these up on cafepress a while back - some tshirts and aprons and coffee mugs

If anyone has artwork they'd like to contribute, send them to me or Floyd and we will see what we can do.

Floydm's picture

We don't have a lot up there right now but I noticed one person ordered a T.  If anyone else wants to this weekend, use their Cinco De Mayo promo code "FIESTA" to save 15% on your order.


jcking's picture

Dat was me. sorry I missed it :(


sphealey's picture

Does it cost you anything to add additional items to the CafePress selection?  I have ordered a lot of stuff from there but never set up a store.  I would love to get a sweatshirt (basic grey longsleeve) with that classic logo if it doesn't cost you anything to add the item and you have a minute to do it.

If that's not possible, I would vote for adding sweatshirts to the new products you are thinking about.  Thanks!


DorotaM's picture

I just added basic light and dark sweatshirts (comes in white/gray, or black/navy) to the cafepress shop. I am working on some fun stuff that I'll probably put on another site that is supposed to do better printing, but I need a little time to get that done!

bakinginQuito's picture

I should consider extra fee cause i live in Quito...of couse, would be honored to wear it! Paolo

Jaydot's picture

Yes, I'm interested, definitely!

I wonder: if you have a USA Cafepress account, can you link it to a European account? There's a German Cafepress, and shipping costs from Germany would be much sweeter for me...

DorotaM's picture

I am not sure how to do that! If you can send me a link that'd be great...

Jaydot's picture

In fact, I don't even know if it's possible.
Perhaps you could simply try logging in, it's

Actually: there is an account called the-fresh-loaf, and you can find them at and at So apparently it can be done.

DorotaM's picture

I dont know anything about the "the-fresh-loaf" account there. I cant read German though - so that's not going to be easy.


Floyd is busy dealing with server upgrade technical stuff so he has handed over the craftypants stuff regarding shirt and schwag gear to me. I will start looking at what sorts of other options and artwork I can get going to do this.

jcking's picture

Maybe a logo button or pin would be nice. Cheaper too. One size fits all.


AnnaInNC's picture

bumper sticker :)




sphealey's picture

> I dont know anything about the "the-fresh-loaf"

> account there. I cant read German though - so

> that's not going to be easy.

I can get you some help with the German reading, but not for about 2 weeks (when finals are over), so if no other Fresh Loavers have stepped into the breach by then let me know.


Jaydot's picture

... where you can see that account.

I'm not sure shipping from the UK to Europe is much cheaper than from the USA, what with currency conversion.

Anyway: I hope you can find the time to look into this, it really is a fun project. I'm all for linen shopping bags too, great for starting conversations when I go shopping at my local (wind)mill!

DorotaM's picture

OK - that account has nothing to do with our website then - it may be a bakery or someone else who has the same sense of pun that we do - but that's not anything related to TFL forums. I am, however, looking into another vendor that's supposed to ship internationally, and since Floyd has told me to get on this, I'm pouring some creative efforts into getting us some fun graphics and putting something together. I'll get back to y'all on these :) In the meantime, there's a very basic design available, and I'll see what I can do about stickers and buttons - I'm kind of thinking that this will be better when I have some fun graphics to go with :)

Chuck's picture

How about something like MEBAKE in huge letters (the lettering on the ones currently at cafepress is much too tasteful - I want something that SHOUTS). (Maybe some sort of logo too, although either with or without is okay by me.) For me, it would have to be really large (XXXL) and rather inexpensive (less than $20, ideally around $10).

DorotaM's picture

I dont think I can even find a plain white shirt anywhere that will do a custom logo of just a line of simple text for 10 bucks, Chuck. Maybe if I were ordering like thousands, but I'm not setting up a warehouse for these.

jcking's picture

Made in America please

Leandro Di Lorenzo's picture
Leandro Di Lorenzo


Let's make it happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tananaBrian's picture

There's a brewery up here that sells T-shirts dyed with the different types of beer that they make (probably the different types of wort) and they are really nice ...the natural color of the natural barley malt dye would be perfect for TFL T-shirts ...I wonder if they'd do a custom logo for us?  I can check into it if people encourage me to do it... if no interest, then no problem, but if there is interest in this then I'll contact them.



Chuck's picture

I for one very much like the idea of natural grain colors (however they're produced).

dvuong's picture

I would absolutely wear TFL gear!

KNEADLESS's picture

I like the idea of "brewry" natural colors, but have a colored picture of some bread on the back to catch people's attention.  And of course I'll need XXL.



DorotaM's picture

Arrrighty guys - I'm working on it.

In the meantime, is there anyone here who'd like to contribute some artwork? Looks like the sites like to use Vector Art - and I could really use some fun artwork. Especially if anyone has some cartoony fun angry/mean looking breads, relaxing loaves, or saucy rolls or you know...bread with attitude which would be fun to use.

Also, hit me with your best puns!

So far I've got:

"That's how I roll"

"Bring on the pain"


"Loafers among us"

"Flour Power!"

"I give good bread"

"I work when I loaf"

feel free to contribute here :D

jcking's picture

"My Bread has Ears"

pmccool's picture


Crusty and proud of it

You're so levain!

Bakers get to the hearth of the matter

Pane/Pain - It's all bread to me

I'll see your sourdough and raise you a loaf

So many breads, so little time

Make a baker smile today: squeeze their buns

ROTFL: Riffing on The Fresh Loaf



gary.turner's picture

I'd edit one to read, "I'm a baker, squeeze my buns".



kscove's picture

I love it !!  The sourdough one is tooo funny... I like the crusty one also.

I am so gonna have me some of these shirts....LOL


merlie's picture

This looks like fun! I designed several T shirts for Pony Club way back when and seem to remember that if you stick to line drawings and only one or two colours  the price for shirt and printing was very reasonable. We had good quality shirts and certainly did not have to order thousands. It would be nice to go for colour if affordable - even a photo of a mouth watering loaf or two !  I love mini' s  " Bakers do it with flour " !  Many of the sugestions were really great but maybe should also be understood by non-bakers as well ? After all this T will be seen by hundreds - another thought - adding  .com to THE FRESH LOAF could well get others interested.  I would be happy to donate art work,  if you think I can help let me know .  Merlie

kscove's picture

Perfectly proofed

Perfectly proofed buns

We proof our loaves to perfection


breadbakingbassplayer's picture

I can do it... Just let me know the size...


sphealey's picture

Please see Tolkien's letter to his first editor:  the ONLY possible spelling is Fresh Loaver!


jcking's picture

Loaver or Loavee? :)

DorotaM's picture

I did get this shirt posted:

This one is not cheap ($35) but it's organic and nice material. I'm still looking into alternative options and artwork.

kscove's picture

Ok, I admit... I am new to baking bread and sooooo don't "get" this shirt.  To me it means the pain from the   I like fun shirts but, don't shoot me, the artwork on this is a little too cartoonish for m


AnnaInNC's picture

non-bakers as well.  BTW,  pain is french for bread. :)

KNEADLESS's picture

I Knead Good Loaves!

DorotaM's picture

Oh I love this! I am going to be busy this week working on getting some of these together :D

Mini Oven's picture
Mini Oven

...We got RYE!       (black t-shirt)

Bakers do it with Flour!

Crumby but Yummy -- Breads!


jcking's picture

Walkin' Talkin' Bread Machine

varda's picture


jcking's picture

Bakers Have A Peel

EvaGal's picture

Just be careful that the t-shirt design when worn on mature women is readable and not embarrassing.

I would far more likely wear an apron than a t-shirt or hat.  

How about linen dishcloths or potholders?

I like the beret-style hat with TFL on the band.


kscove's picture

I agree.  I would much rather purchase a shirt that has the large logo on the back. A small logo above pocket level is fine.

I don't like walking ar0und all day with people staring at my chest. Plus, more people may read it if they don't have to worry about looking at your chest and then catching your eye....... ;)


jcking's picture

UPS just dropped off my TFL order from Cafe press. I'm stylin' now with my blue T-shirt and yellow apron. Lookin' foward to other TFL items!


Floydm's picture

You know, I keep thinking about this and the one I'd like would just say "Powered by Gluten" on it (or maybe "Gluten Powered") and then maybe have the TFL url in small print on the sleeve or the back. 

I [heart] Gluten is another option.

Janetcook's picture

Would it be possible to order long sleeved t-shirts too?  


GSnyde's picture

But I'd rather have a TFL cap or apron that says "Bakers have great buns".


Mini Oven's picture
Mini Oven

I would like to see in comic book relief inside a zigzag caption like "POW"  "ZAP"  and ---->    "'"TANGZHONG!"'"  reverberating across my shirt.

belfiore's picture

@Minioven...I had to look it up :-) cool!!!


Yundah's picture

How about "Bread Bakers always rise to the occasion"

I'll buy a TFL shirt.  I'd love it. I'd alternate it with my caffeine molecule from the ThinkGeek.  

Mini Oven's picture
Mini Oven

Sour Powered          Bread Machine        Rye Knot?       Berry Breaker      W enthusiast W

ThinkSeeds             Stick to Rye         Stuck on Rye          TRYE        YeTryRye        WholeWhEat   

foodslut's picture

belfiore's picture

but freshloavers bake their own!

kscove's picture

I love it !!!!



GSnyde's picture

"Triticale: It's Not Just for Tribbles Anymore"

highmtnpam's picture

I have had that engraved on anything I could (except my skin!)
Would love any of the slogans. I'm with Janet. How about long sleeve t's. As an aside I bought 3 t-shirts and 2 ball caps when King Arthur put them in their catalogue.

AnnaInNC's picture

"Bread Bakers rise to the occasion"

"Flour Power"

"Bread Bakers do it with Loaf"





jcking's picture

"Home Bakers Ryes to the occasion..."


Mini Oven's picture
Mini Oven


jcking's picture

Now my ears are fully open

and the Dreikornbrot, springs anew

I'll only have Ryes for you....


Mini Oven's picture
Mini Oven


jcking's picture

And when Irish Ryes are smiling

Sure they'll steal your hearth away


jcking's picture

If there's still an interest, and you're willing to purchase a TFL T-shirt, pick your top three logos/slogans and we'll tally them up and see what happens. ~ Jim

Mini Oven's picture
Mini Oven

always a new idea popping up....  :)