I have known for a while now that I would have to face my fear of wet doughs. Yes, fear. Absolute fear.
I am very good at breads that are relatively dry, and the only doughs that I've worked with that are wet weren't nearly as wet as the recipe I found here - Floydm's Daily Bread.
To be honest, I had a vague idea - at best - at what I was doing. I made a whole wheat poolish, and the rest of the flour was organic spelt. For good measure and texture, I added 1/4 cup flax seeds. I baked on a stone as directed.
For having so little idea about what I was doing, I feel pretty fantastic about the results. The rise was reasonably good, and the texture was perfect. I would hope for a slightly better crumb next time. But I'm not going to be picky after my first try.
Also, I wanted a harder crust, but I think that has to do with a) my stone and b) a better method of steaming.
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Harder crust can be schieved by raising the oven temp and/or a longer baker. With the seeds in the dough it would be hard to get a more open crumb. The seeds can cut the gluten strands. Pre-soaking the seeds can help. Just remember flavor rules.
As to wet dough; slightly dampen your hands rather than adding flour.
Otherwise you've done a fine job!
Thanks very much, Jim! Appreciate the feedback. My oven sadly was at its highest temp (550 F) for the first 5 minutes, and then I turned it down to 475. It's a propane oven, and I love the results from it most of the time, but I do need to get an oven thermometre to make sure I'm actually getting proper readings. And I didn't even think about that, regarding the flax seeds -- of course! In any case, the bread tasted great on its own, as toast, or even with sandwiches. Very pleased.
Thanks again, cheers!
Looks like a great loaf; one very useful technique for wet doughs is to stretch and fold rather than even try to knead. With very wet doughs I do it right there in the bowl, as someone here advised me to do, using a silicone scraper, and it is remarkable how easily the sturcture builds up.
One thing about soaking flax seeds; they become very slimy, in my experience, and very hard to work into the dough thoroughly, and I personally no longer bother because I don't see any great difference to the dough when I don't soak them.
Thanks, Jeremy, appreciate the feedback! I did do the stretch and fold technique this time through, I'm just not very good yet. I find it awkward, but it's the second time I've utilised it, and I'm hoping it will get even better next time. I will give the silicone scraper a try next time. I used a bench scraper this time, which gets the job done but isn't quite contoured enough for my liking.
Hi honeymustard
Regarding flaxseeds, they're only of benefit nutritionally if they're ground - otherwise they just go straight through. I use 10g of ground flaxseeds to every 100g of dough - adds to the flavour and improves the texture, IMO.
As regards kneading a wet dough. I make my dough sticky - using 70% hydration with 85% wholemeal flour - and knead it for 15-20 seconds every 10 or 20 minutes. Every time I come back to it it's less sticky, and generally, after 3 or 4 kneads, it's perfectly handleable.
I knead with one hand and use a dough scraper with the other to lift and fold the dough. I remove most of the sticky dough from the one hand, then rub my hands together with some flour to get most of the rest off.
Another technique is to pour a little oil on your dough to stop it sticking - leaves your hands lovely and soft!
Thanks for the help, Paul. I have heard that about flaxseeds. Truth be told, I like their look in bread which is primarily why I tried it, but I will have to try it ground next time.
Since this bread, I have gotten a thermometre for the inside of my oven. Turns out it is a bit cool - about 25 degrees cooler - than the indicated temperature. While annoying, it's super helpful with my baking.
I did notice that when I came back to the dough, it was easier to handle, you're right. I am just awkward with the technique thus far, but I'm learning! The oil is a good idea, and I use the same bench scraper technique you're talking about. I'm sure I just look much more ridiculous doing it than you. :)