The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Customer Service at King Arthur Flour

paulm's picture

Customer Service at King Arthur Flour

With all of the grumbling and examples of poor customer service around today, I thought I would relate an instance of superlative customer service I experienced recently.  It is with a company often mentioned on this website.  When I first started experimenting with sourdough breads (before I stumbled upon this fantastic website), I purchased a sourdough crock from King Arthur Flour company to keep my starter in.  It has served me well, over the years, until a couple of months ago when I decided to play basketball with the lid knocking it off the counter onto the floor.  Needless to say after a few choice words, I swept up the 15 or so pieces of lid disposing of them and have been using one of those plastic bowl covers with elastic edging in its place.  I got the bright idea of checking to see I could purchase a replacement lid and sent an email to King Arthur's customer service.  Much to my surprise, I got an almost immediate response saying that they would send one out at no charge.  It arrived today (less than a week after my initial request) and imagine my surprise when I opened the package and found not just a replacement lid but a complete crock and lid set.  While I have found them somewhat pricey for certain items in the past, their comprehensive selection cannot be faulted and with customer service like this, I will be purchasing more from them.


b_elgar's picture

I, too, recommend KA Flour for their impeccable customer service. I have ordered from them for years, and even visited the store a couple of times.

Every once in a great while (and I order frequently) I have had a minor problem with a shipment - never the quality, but perhaps a package of flour that has opened during shipment or a mising item or even an EXTRA item that mysteriously appears in my package, but what ever it has been, a quick phone call to their gracious customer service agents and my (minor, always minor) problem is solved.

Terrific company.



AW's picture

They are an amazing group of professionals, hell-bent on doing great work.

Candango's picture

In one word - outstanding.  I first learned of King Arthur back in the early 90's, before the internet became widespread, when I was overseas in Brazil.  Rio and Sao Paulo were different, but in Brasilia there were many things not readily available.  Someone in the embassy showed me a copy of the KA catalog which had been mailed to someone who had departed.  I felt like a kid in a candy store.  I ordered judiciously and was pleased with the results.  I don't order much or very often, but when I want or need something not easily found at local markets, I know I can check out the online catalog and either order via internet or give them a call, speak with a representative and place the order over the phone.  Either way, I know that I won't be disappointed.  True, the prices are higher than some other suppliers for some things, but as I said, I try to order judiciously.  I have never been disappointed.  They are a great company, and if the higher prices go to support their educational and baking outreach programs, then I am happy to contribute from time to time.

The customer service is great.  I recommend their print catalog or the online version.  Enjoy.