Hi you all. I got a very interesting recipe from a friend of mine.
I have not tried it yet, but ~I wanted to ask if anyone of you ever made something similar to this? I want to give it a try, but would be thankful for any help, ideas or advice.
Whole-grain wheat shortbread
- Approx. 6 cups flour: 3 cups of very coarsely ground whole-wheat flour, 1 cup regular whole-wheat flour, and 2 cups pure oat bran
- 1/2 teaspoon sea-salt
- 1/3 cup olive oil
- 2 cups water for mixing
- 2 cups water for baking, applied to bread surface with a clean sponge
Mix flours with salt in a mixing bowl. Mix oil and water and add to the flours. Form dough. Depending upon the flours, you may need to add more water, if the dough is too dry, or more flour if it is too wet, or more oil if it seems too hard.
Knead the dough with oiled hands.
Shape the dough into a large ball and then flatten it in the bowl. Cut into 4 equal parts and form one part into a ball.
Place the ball onto an oiled dinner plate and flatten it to approx ½ inch.
Place the bread on a non-stick or lightly oiled baking sheet. Form the other breads in the same way, re-oiling the dinner plate for each, and placing two on each baking sheet.
Pierce the surfaces of the breads with a fork in a grid design.
Place in a cold oven and set the heat at 350 degrees F.
Measure the other 2 cups of water into a bowl. After 10 minutes, fill the sponge and squeeze water over the surfaces of the breads. Repeat at about 6-minute intervals or after the surfaces are dry, using most of the water, until they are baked golden brown, shiny, and firm to the touch, about 45 minutes.
These breads keep without refrigeration for many days, travel well, and are half a day’s food.