sources of supply-High Extraction flour


I am interested in find a source of supply for smaller amounts( 5-10  pounds) of high extraction flour for making the bread High Extraction flour Miche as listed in Peter Reinharts Whole grain breads, page 164.

Do you know of a source of supply that will ship.

I live in Western North Carolina near Asheville.

that would be worth looking at I think.  Try New York Bakers, operated by Stan Ginsberg (elagins here on The Fresh Loaf) and see if they have what you need.  Another alternative might be Organic Wheat Products, also operated by a The Fresh Loaf member, flourgirl51.

I'm sure there are other options as well, but these are two that I think may have what you want.

Good Luck

to be sure you are getting what you need.  I buy "First Clear" flour from NYBakers.  First Clear is a type of flour, not a brand name, and it is what I know as a "high extraction" flour, but I'm not sure what percentage it is.

Good luck

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Heartland Mills sells their "Golden Buffalo" 85% flour via their website in the amounts you're looking for.  Searching this site should get you some first hand accounts of its use, if memory serves.

you can make a reasonable substitute. Mix about 4 parts AP flour with 1 part whole wheat flour. This method is mentioned in several of the leading bread books and will work well if you don't have a commercial alternative.
