English Cider and Apple Bread


Here are a couple of pics of the bread as it turned out in the end on Sunday. It tasted lovely!

Joanna @ Zeb Bakes

Hello Joanna,
The crumb of your bread looks nice and colorful and like Syd, I love the "apple peel" scoring also
(nice observation, Syd!).
From breadsong


In reply to by breadsong

Hey Syd and Breadsong, It wasn't meant to be apple peel (hee hee) just a opening spiral, but it didn't open as much as I wanted, and the edges were a bit ragged, how do the bread scoring maestros get such smoooth lines ???   so I'll pretend I meant it that way...

Thanks for the nice comments too Daisy A, I wish I could give you a slice to try... it's so worth making this bread. I wrote about it over on my blog yesterday as it's part of my baking group's breads for this month.