Old timers on the site know my that my day job is working on the internet fundraising team at Mercy Corps, a humanitarian aid agency based in Portland, Oregon. It is a tremendously rewarding place to work but also quite demanding, particularly during disasters. This year, sadly, was full of disasters, most notably the earthquake in Haiti and the terrible floods in Pakistan.
In past years, when TFL members have asked how they can support or show thanks for TFL I've suggested they make a donation to Mercy Corps. TFL members have been extremely supportive. As well as the generous donations community members made one tool that I built for Mercy Corps that was tested by TFL members ended up become a major component in our fundraising for Haiti, raising over $1 million dollars for Haiti Earthquake relief. It was even featured in the NY Times. That kind of success would not have been possible without the feedback I got from TFL members.
This year I've been so busy at work that my involvement on TFL has been sharply curtailed. Dstroy, EHanner, and other community members have helped keep the spammers in check, but lack of investment in development here is entirely my fault. Trust me, I'm aware that TFL is showing its age: the list of improvements I'd like to make here goes down to my knees. But I hope you'll understand that when given the choice between spending a couple of hours investigating a weird browser bug that effects 2% of people who visit TFL and helping design an email that'll raise enough money to provide a thousand sanitation kits to Haitians living in camps trying to avoid cholera, TFL does not win. I love this community and share your frustration with some of the quirks of the software here, but they seem like such "First World Problems" compared to what so many people are going through in Haiti, Pakistan, Sudan or the other countries my colleagues work in.
I was not going to hold a fundraiser this year, in part because I have not felt like my service to the TFL community has been good enough to ask for a "tip." But one community member just made a donation through last year's fundraising page (thank you, Debra), which convinced me that there is at least some demand for this, so if you are looking for a way to say "Thank you" to The Fresh Loaf or just would like to help the lives of others less fortunate than yourself, consider making a donation to Mercy Corps. Your money will be put to good use.
If you are unfamiliar with Mercy Corps or want to learn more about what we do, this video that my colleagues Cassandra Nelson put together does a good job of capturing what we're about: not just disaster relief but making long-term infrastructure, economic, educational improvements in the countries we work in that we hope will last long after the disaster is over.
Regardless of whether you donate or not, thank you to The Fresh Loaf community for continuing to make this an extremely rewarding site to support.
Thank you for all of the work you do, and have done, to make this site so valuable to so many people. I am a relatively new member and found the site 'by accident' about a year ago.
Now, according to my husband, I am addicted to it!
Thank you.
Thanks Floyd!
I totally agree with your priorities regarding the real work you do vs tweaking the site. Personally I think the site works just fine and would much rather see you putting time into raising money for people who desperately need it.
All the best to you and yours in the New Year,
Thank you so much, Franko.
Dear Floyd, Thanks for making this site available - I've learned so much from all of the contributors and I am very grateful. I so appreciate your efforts to help others! Wishing you every success with your fundraiser, & all the best to you for the holiday season and 2011. Regards, breadsong
Thank you, breadsong.
The site is perfect the way it is, your priorities are completely correct, do not "adjust" them
I owe the people who participate from this forum every success I've had in bread baking - and to bake good bread has been my dream since I was a little child.
(heck, it took me 4 decades, but... the light was at the end of the TFL tunnel... )
Can't argue with your priorities. Thanks for TFL and your work for Mercy Corps. You should be proud of both.
Both are all about getting the dough to the right places.
Thank you Glenn. It is great having you here with us.
Wow, we've raised over $1,000 so far!
Thank you so much to everyone who has donated.
I consider it a privilege to be a part of TFL for many reasons. This community that Floyd has established is one of the most if not the most active and helpful "learn to bake" sites on the planet. The content is first class, the format is easy to use and free and the community is helpful and warming to new and old members alike. You can not set a value on the ability of learning to bake world class healthy breads to feed our families. You can however show your support of the site and the founder by giving back in the form of a donation to Mercy Corps.
You can tell by how rarely Floyd mentions his professional life that he is devoted to helping others. I don't think he would normally be inclined to bring the need for funds to the front here. This has been an extraordinary year for disasters all over the world and the need has never been greater. I know we will come together as a community and show our appreciation for TFL.
I also want to invite all of the browsers/lurkers who read these pages but have not posted yet to come forward and support the drive. There are actually more lurkers than members most days. As I write this, there 22 members and 190 "Guests" logged on. Imagine what the numbers would look like if all of the guests joined and made a donation. Let today be the day. Please join us in this humanitarian effort, and, introduce yourself.
To all who supported this drive with a donation, thank you much for your tremendous generosity.
To the many others who support this site by sharing your passion and knowledge, thank you for your generosity as well! May all your 2011's be filled with peace and prosperity.
Another year! Hard to believe.
Floyd, thank you for this site and for the wonderful sense of community and learning you and Dorota maintain here. It's greatly appreciated.
And thanks for your good work with Mercy Corps. I know from experience that it's both a burden and a privilege to be able to live your values.
Very warmest regards and best wishes to you and your family for a happy, healthy and rewarding New Year!
Thank you, David! Best wishes to you and your loved ones as well.
your dedication, Floyd
Happy New Year,