Crown Point, NY
Hello from the Champlain Valley, upstate New York. This site seems like a great resource for bread enthusiasts, and seems really nicely designed.
I've looked at this website before, but I joined so that I could interact through this forum. My partner is an excellent baker (I may be biased, but I do believe he is the best baker is this region! That is, as far as colonial and rustic French bread goes.)
We are travelers and musicians as well as bakers, and I would really like to get in contact with people around the country who have wood-fired ovens that we could use as we travel through! We would love to tour the country doing house concerts and making bread. We sometimes sell bread via horse and wagon, and would like to expand on this.
Please let me know if you have a wood-fired bread or pizza oven and would be interested in talking about setting something up! I can send more information about the business, etc.
I can only guess that you're referring to The Crown Point Bakery? Only yesterday I watched Gourmet's Diary of a Foodie where this baker was featured. I then went online to Gourmet's website and pulled up the following video:
the above program features other breadbakers as well - Welcome!
You guessed correctly Sharon! There's only one bakery (and not much else) in Crown Point. Thanks for posting the link to the video--it's a good preview for the baker, the horse, and part of the musical act!