The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

how do I convert osmotolerant- to fresh yeast for my pandoro?

freerk's picture

how do I convert osmotolerant- to fresh yeast for my pandoro?

I am working on my first pandoros for X-mas, following Meggie Glezer's recipe. In this she calls for osmotolerant instant yeast. I just can't get my hands on that here, but I did get some wonderful fresh yeast that I want to use instead.

I'm a bit uncertain about the conversion though.... None of the conversions I have managed to google out of my computer mention how to convert osmotolerant instant yeast to fresh yeast. My guess is, when the standard conversion from "normal"  instant yeast  to fresh yeast is roughly times 3, should I put a bit more than that since osmotolerant instant yeast is the strongest of them all? Should I go more towards times 4?

The recipe also carries a sourdough, so the fresh yeast won't be on it's own, and I don't want to overdo it with the yeast...

Is there any one out there who could advice me? The amount called for in the recipe is 0.25 to 0.5 teaspoon of osmotolerant instant dry yeast, depending on the temperature of your kitchen.


hoping to hear from you :-)



Candango's picture


   Am not sure about the osmotolerant conversions, but the charts I have seen for normal active dry yeast are considerably less than your "3 to 1" fresh to dry conversions.  For example, one and one half envelopes of active dry dry yeast = 1 Tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon = 3/8 oz = (the raising power of) a one oz block of fresh yeast.  In the recipe you mention, the 1/2 t of dry yeast would be 1/8 of the 1T + 1t, and equal to about 1/8 oz (3 1/2 g) of a cake of fresh yeast.  Does this help?


freerk's picture

Hey Bob,

I'm a very metric kinda guy I'm afraid... This is my train of though;

I only have reliable conversion charts from instant to fresh

I read here and elsewhere on the net, that, when you want to replace osmotolerant yeast with instant dry yeast, you need to put 30% more.

1 teaspoon = 3 grams

3 grams plus 30%. = 3.9 grams

The standard conversion from instant to fresh is

1 gram instant = 2.5 grams fresh

1,95 times 2.5 = 4.8 grams

That computes with your calculation (when upped 30%) :-)))

dablues's picture

Here's a link for Yeast Equivalents.  Hope this helps you out.

freerk's picture

thank u, I'm going to consider this the final proof that I'm on the right path.


Hope it works out, 'cause I found myself a real pandoro tin (the original star shape, not the portuguese version) and I want to see that dough CROWNING gloriously :-)

AND I got myself a kick-ass sourdough starter that I can almost hear munching and farting and belching in the jar after feeding. I need to keep this one alive :-)


thanks again; the results will be up here tomorrow morning, IF things keep going as smooth here as they do now :-)


greetings from Amsterdam



Syd's picture

Frank, check this out.  Hope it helps.


freerk's picture

Who's Frank ;-)

Thanks, I saw that link. I love wild yeast

Syd's picture

Sorry Freerk, I guess it was too early in the morning.  That's what happens when you skim read! :)

freerk's picture

Hey Sid

No problem ;-) it must be a difficult name for you to pronounce any way. I studied in San Francisco, and it didn't take long before I was known as "freak" Thanks mum and dad, hihi!


have a good weekend, and happy baking


The pandoros are in the proofing cabinet (with 4 grams of fresh yeast in decided in the end) and my hopes are high on two wonderful breads, not in the least because of the very active sourdough starter that I managed to concoct.

I also found the cocoabutter, even though it took me half a day to find a chocolatier who was willing to share some of her stash.

Bizarre detail: the harbour of Amsterdam is the number one port for the cocoa- and cocoabutter trade (when the wind blows from the north I can actually smell the cocoa) but nevertheless it can't be bought in stores. How weird is that.... I guess I'll just have to order it on internet, most likely coming from the good old USA, who most likely bought it from...Amsterdam; globalization at work ;-/

breaducation's picture

Just wanted to point out my online yeast conversion tool that I think could help anybody in a similar situation. It converts from fresh to osmotolerant and vice versa. Actually it will do just about any yeast conversion you would like :) Check it out here.


freerk's picture

hey breaducation,


sorry for the late response; the conversion chart is very much appreciated! thanks a bunch!



Ingrid G's picture
Ingrid G

Hi there, I have only today found this post and your link. I'd like to thank you so very much for this converter. All my questions answered in one place! Most of my Austrian recipes include fresh yeast (usually as "Würfel") and you make it so easy to convert. Thanks again!