My First Sourdough


Today is a big day for me. Since starting baking a few months back I've known that I've wanted to make sourdough bread, but not wanting to jump ahead, and travelling a bit for a few weeks at a time, I've put off trying to start a sourdough starter. This was until eight days ago when I returned from my final awayness of the year and set to work on a starter, following a guide I found linked to from here (forgive me for forgetting the source, but it was just the usual flour + water + saltana + go for a wonder around the kitchen while whisking).

Anyhoo, yesterday it was 'Mouldy Mildrid's One Week Birthday Party' and in honour of this I cracked open a beer and set to work on my first ever sourdough. The recipe was:

 - 150g starter (should probably be 150g levain but my starter is still quite young and only just fed and I was impatient). 100% hydration.

 - 450g white flour

 - 50g rye

 - 10g salt

 - 360g water

 - probably about half a Tbsp of olive oil worked in in the process of stretch and folds

I did about 2 hours worth of half-hourly stretch and folds and then another after an hour, then went to bed leaving the dough in the fridge overnight, about weight hours. The next morning I shaped it (improvised a banneton from a fish kettle) and left it to prove and warm through in the pantry (about 12C at the moment) for about five hours. Then into the Aga.

And a crumb shot:


My shaping was more retard than batard and I have a lot to learn about handling these higher hydration doughs (tips gratefully received!). But the flavour and texture are enough for me to say that I'm completely hooked on bread baking now. Am enjoying it with another beer (fermentation - surely the greatest invention ever?) and then I'll have a go at the Tartine Plain Country Bread tomorrow.


So, the hook is well set indeed!  Very nice results Ed, especially for a starter so young and inexperienced.  As the two of you mature and get to know each other better you can expect even greater things.  You will find that the taste of your bread deepens and gets richer as your starter matures.

Happy Sourdough Baking!

I've noticed quite a spectrum of starter related anthropomorphisations in this culinary cul-de-sac. 'Is it a pet? Is it a spouse? No! It's a super-starter!'.

I'm very much looking forward to the journey, I must say. Thanks for the encouragement!

I am sure you are now officially hooked on sourdough bread baking!   With a first attempt like that, you will never stop!


Congrats! feels great, doesn't it?

Certainly does! And the best part about baking is that if it goes 'wrong', it probably still tastes nice, no one is hurt and you've only spent a pound. Which differentiates it slightly from building and launching rockets, my other hobby.


I'm wondering if the presence of continuous beer in the atmosphere has added to the vibrance of your starter.... lol.  I'm so jealous that your very first loaf turned out so amazing!!!  Maybe I should start with the beer...

Don't you love it when a plan comes together? :).
What a gorgeous loaf!

Profile picture for user Frequent Flyer

That's great.  And it's your first sourdough?  Amazing.

7 years later! The Aga is my parent's, but I still try and do a loaf in it on the odd occasion I'm home. I usually put the boost mode on as hotter is better, and put the loaf directly on the floor of the top oven, which gives great spring, and you can also lob some ice cubes in to the oven too as they trap the steam well (they'll dance around for a bit but that's fine, just get the door shut asap and leave it shut for the first 15 minutes before inspecting).