September 10, 2010 - 11:08am
Five-Grain Levain from "Bread"
I'm excited to have this book. I see so many on TFL using it. This seems to be a popular bread so I thought I would give it a go.
Used the book instructions to the letter except I mixed by hand, which I will say, was quite the task with this dough.
I'm happy with the bread out of the oven and it smells as good or better than any bread I have baked. Be back with a crumb and taste update after a bit.
Wow! this bread is amazing. So many subtle flavors all in one place. A very hearty bread but hard to stop eating.
Here's the crumb.
Nice looking loaf!
That is a fine looking loaf. I make this bread regularly in 7 lb. batches, I can't imagine doing it by hand. I'm sure you will love this bread.
It was like fighting a live catfish on the counter.
Great bread, great book.
Thank you for the kind words.
Crumb shot posted.
I've enjoyed this book, as well, but have not tried this recipe. Did you follow it to the letter? I, too, have been mixing exclusively by hand for the last 2 months and find it quite satisfying. It amazes me how flour transforms itself with just water, salt and a starter or yeast, and a little bit of work. I'll not take Reinhardt's thunder on bread and transformation, he's the master in that department. But, your loaf looks wonderful and I'm sure it smells and tastes the same. Congratulations.
Bernie Piel--away visiting my new grand daughter in Westhampton, NY.